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Sharon Kehnemui

What are Concerned Citizens Saying about 5G Small Cell Towers?

  In this episode, you will hear doctors, scientists, cancer survivors, and safe technology advocates testifying against 5G small cell towers. Several of these testimonies mention the fact that radiofrequency radiation from cell towers has only been tested on a...

The Occupy Health Podcast on Cell phones: A Health Risk? Watch the video interview on The VoiceAmerica Does cell phone radiation cause a health risk? The answer is “yes” according to Devra Davis, PhD, MPH. Cell phone radiation has been classified as a possible class...

NPR Interviews Dr. Devra Davis: Chemicals, Cancer, and You

Interview by NPR In The Secret History of the War on Cancer, environmental-health expert Devra Davis warns that we're ignoring dozens of cancer-causing chemicals, like asbestos, benzene, vinyl chloride, and dioxin. She writes that, like the tobacco companies, the...

Learning to Navigate a Toxin-Ridden World with Dr. Aly Cohen From pollutants in the air to hormone-disrupting chemicals in our shampoo. From pesticides and preservatives in our food to mascara which made women blind in the 1930s. Needless to say, modern humans...