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Sharon Kehnemui

The Miseducation of America By Devra Davis

  The  Miseducation of America By Devra Davis and Theodora Scarato of Environmental Health Trust  When William J. Broad, a Pulitzer-Prize winning New York Times science writer, mangles information on the dangers of 5G, this plays into the hands of those...

We Are Not Sam: The Rigged Cell Phone Radiation Tests

We Are Not Sam OpEd by Dr. Devra Davis   After the federal government in France determined in 2018 that some cell phone microwave radiation exposures exceeded current standards up to 5-fold when phones were tested in body contact positions, that nation issued new...

Counter Punch “The Perils of Military 5G” quotes Devra Davis….

March 15, 2021 "The Perils of Military 5G" By KARL GROSSMAN Epidemiologist Dr. Devra Davis, founder, and president of the Environmental Health Trust, says: “The transmissions to and from proposed 5G wireless installations are radiofrequency emissions that are an...