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Antenna System Siting Guideline—A Precautionary Approach to Installation, Operation, Retrofitting, and Expanding Fixed Transmitter Sites [German: Leitfaden zur Aufstellung von Mobilfunkmasten: Vorsorgeprinzip bei Errichtung, Betrieb, Um – und Ausbau von ortsfesten Sendeanlagen]

Leitfaden Senderbau (LSB) (in German)

 Austria (2014) Issued since 2012

  • Precautionary target threshold level: < 1000 µW/m2 sum total of all fixed wireless transmitters inside or outside a building
  • Applies not only to cell tower emissions (e.g. GSM, UMTS, LTE, etc.) but any fixed wireless transmitter from 100 kHz (e.g. broadcasting, TV, Wi-Fi, TETRA, ham radio, etc.)
  • Applies to sensitive areas where humans spend more than 4 hours per day (e.g. residences, schools, workplaces)
  • List of scientific studies on nonthermal biological effects
  • RF measurement protocol of average and peak levels (with broadband RF meter or spectrum analyzer)

Limiting the permissible power output (EIRP)

  • Changing the direction of the main beam
  • Adjusting the beam width
  • Changing the antenna gain
  • Changing the beam tilt angle
  • Adjusting the mounting height

Stakeholders and contributors:

Editor:  Austrian Doctors for a Healthy Environment

Contributors: Vienna Chamber of Commerce, Austrian Economic Chambers: Electrical Engineering, AUVA Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board, Vienna Environment Protection Agency, Austrian Medical Association, Scientists of the Medical University of Vienna at the Institute of Environmental Health and Institute of Cancer Research

Summarized by Katharina Gustavs