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Act Today Stop Aggressive Cell Tower Proliferation 

The Vote Could Be This Monday – May 22!

Two New Fast-Track Bills in California Threaten Neighborhoods — Other States Will Follow

Two California state bills AB 965 and AB 1065 would fast track wireless infrastructure near homes and schools. These two bills are being rammed through the California Legislature. Please know: the norm is after California passes legislation, it gets rolled out to other states. So please forward this to others who may not live in California.

  • AB 965 allows Telecoms to bundle 50 antenna applications — submitting them at the same time and forcing local authorities to act quickly to approve them. If localities don’t approve in the allotted time, all applications will automatically be “deemed approved.” 
  • AB 1065 gives Wireless Companies access to taxpayer funds intended for faster, safer, more reliable, and more secure fiber connections to truly close the Digital Divide. It’s a sneaky bill — two little sentences inserted into existing law that will un-level the playing field, resulting in hundreds or thousands more antennas in more neighborhoods. This means:
    • Huge increases in energy consumption compared to Fiber
    • Lowered property values for homes with antennas
    • Increased safety and fire risk

There will be no time for public hearings or full consideration of safety, security or aesthetic impact on our communities. 

Please use our fast-and-easy email automation tool below NOW to send an email now in OPPOSITION to these two bills. Thank you!

Here Are TWO IMPORTANT WAYS You Can Take Action. 

  1. SEND A LETTER NOW to your Assembly member in opposition to the two bills. Click here to quickly send a letter to your assembly member. 
  2. SEND AN EMAIL to the legislative director of your state assembly member. Email only the legislative director of your member telling them you oppose these bills.  

Americans for Responsible Technology has factsheets here on AB965 and AB1065. 


AB 965: (Carrillo) Local Government: Broadband Permit Applications 
AB 1065 (Patterson) Communications: California Advanced Services Fund  

CA AB 965 allows wireless companies to intentionally dump dozens of antenna applications on local governments at once, creating new and unreasonable permitting obligations. Ask for a NO vote.

  • AB 965 allows WIRELESS companies to submit large “batches” of complex applications at a time, requiring local agencies to process and approve them according to the established FCC shot clocks. Applications will automatically be deemed approved if not acted upon within the prescribed time frame. Local agencies may place “reasonable limits” on batching, but a reasonable limit is considered  “NO LESS than 50 project sites.”
  • AB 965 does not consider the diverse needs inherent within local communities throughout California. It will hinder local government’s efforts to protect the public health and safety by forcing local officials all to rush through multiple submissions.
  • Typical antenna applications are large files with complicated engineering drawings, electric diagrams, traffic flow analyses, insurance certificates and other documents that may be required by local authorities. They may be similar from one to another, but each one needs to be considered carefully for its compliance with codes, and its impact on the community, the environment, and any historical sites.
  • AB 965 is unnecessary. The FCC has already established shot clocks and local governments have already been working collaboratively with the industry and have improved processes while maintaining important local safeguards.
  • AB 965 will quickly drive more wireless 5G which will mean more small cell antennas close to people’s homes, whether they subscribe or not.
  • AB 965 is promoted as a solution to the digital divide. The truth is, wireless broadband, especially the basic services offered to low-income families, is notoriously slow, unreliable, and unable to meet the demands of present and future digital communications.

CA AB 1065 is a government hand-out to the unregulated and highly profitable wireless industry. Ask for a NO vote.

  • AB 1065 will provide funding for the increasingly massive rollout of wireless installations and take it away from the much safer, more reliable, and energy-efficient option of WIRED internet connections.
  • AB 1065 will allow WIRELESS companies to apply for FFA (Federal Funding Account) grants, money that’s intended for last mile infrastructure.
  • Wireless will set our state back in terms of climate change management because wireless uses a huge amount of energy compared to WIRED fiber networks.
  • Wireless facilities placed in neighborhoods are shown to have a negative impact on property values.
  • Wireless facilities increase the risk of fires.
  • Wireless facilities impact the growing percentage of the population with disabilities related to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure.
  • Fiber to the Premises (to each home) offers greater capacity, predictable performance, lower maintenance costs, and a longer technological lifetime than wireless technologies. Fiber service is not degraded by line-of-sight issues and is not affected by capacity issues. Bottom line: Wired fiber is faster and more reliable than wireless!
  • CPUC regulators have determined that WIRED connections are technologically superior to wireless and will provide much better access for the unserved and underserved communities.
  • “The Federal Funding Account (FFA), established by the CPUC according to Senate Bill 156, will fund last mile broadband infrastructure projects to connect unserved and underserved Californians with high-speed broadband service. The Federal Funding Account has a $2 billion budget made up of state and federal funds.”

Urge a NO VOTE on both these Bills!
PLEASE TAKE ACTION by Monday, May 22

These bills could be voted on as early as Monday!

Here are TWO Important ways you can take action. 

  1. SEND A LETTER NOW to your Assembly member in opposition to the two bills. Click here to quickly send a letter to your assembly member. 
  2. SEND AN EMAIL to the legislative director of your state assembly member. Email only the legislative director of your member telling them you oppose these bills.