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Results for "laptop"

Laptops Health and Safety Especially For Children

Laptops emit wireless electromagnetic microwave radiation just like cellphones do. This is what you need to know.  Laptops are generally radiation tested at 20 cm from the body. Laptops have fine print warnings about keeping this separation distance between the body...

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Vodaphone Recommends “Healthy” Laptop Use

The Vodaphone Youtube video states, "Several of us are now working at home. This guide helps you ensure you're using your laptop correctly for your health." The video highlights how a laptop should not be on laps, how glare should be reduced and how back injury can...

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Cancer After Laptop On My Lap” Cally’s Story

Cally’s Story: Raising Awareness About Cell Phone and Wireless Radiation Cally Pivano contacted EHT several years ago to share her story. She developed a tumor on her leg directly under the spot where she rested a laptop for years and years. Cally has gone on to...

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Postcards to distribute urging people to protect the ones they love.
Postcard urging not to put phones in your bra.
Safety postcard