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Berkeley Cell Phone Right To Know Oral Arguments: Theodore Olson and Lawrence Lessig
The Wireless Association v. City of Berkeley
Courtroom One in the James R. Browning Court of Appeals Building
San Francisco, California September 13, 2016

Watch The Federal Appeals Court Hearing on Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Law

This the hearing considering whether to overturn the district court’s decision that denied the CTIA’s request for an injunction to block Berkeley’s cellphone ordinance.

The case is CTIA-The Wireless Association v. City of Berkeley et al., case number 16-15141. The CTIA is represented by former Solicitor General Theodore Olson, and the City is represented by Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig.


San Francisco Gate: Court questions whether Berkeley cell phone law goes too far

Ars Technica: Mobile industry urges judges to overturn Berkeley’s radiation warning9th Circuit hears arguments in 1st Amendment case over required disclosures.

NBC Bay Area: Berkeley Cellphone Ordinance Challenged in Appeals Court

CBS: Berkeley’s Cellphone Radiation Warning Law Disputed Before Appeals Court