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The US National Toxicology Program has made several presentations with slightly different slides.
Click Here For Dr. Wydes NIEHS June 15-16 2016 Presentation to the NTP Board of Scientific Counselors Meeting

On June 8, 2016, Michael Wyde PHD, of the US National Toxicology Program Studies of the Toxicology and Carcinogenicity of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Presented the Results at the BioEM2016 Meeting in Ghent, Belgium

Please see the slides from his presentation below.

Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Slide Presentation Results

Click Here to View Michael Wyde’s Slides Bioem Conference NTP Study June 8 2016 Learn more about the National Toxicology Program Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Study here
FAQ’s on the U.S. National Toxicology Program Radiofrequency Carcinogenicity Research Study

On May 27th, 2016, the U.S. National Toxicology Program, of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, released a report with partial results of their large study on the carcinogenicity of radiofrequency radiation (RFR, also known as microwave radiation) in male and female rats and mice.

The world’s largest, most well-designed study of its type, at a cost of $25 million, found increased occurrence of rare brain tumors in male rats and increases in rare heart tumors in both male and female rats exposed to RFR. The released results are “partial” because more rat results and all of the mouse study results will be forthcoming, by 2017.

Study Design and Results

How were the animals exposed?

Animals were exposed daily during gestation and for two years after their birth to two commonly used types of RFR—Global System for Mobile (GSM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). For each type of RFR there were three exposure groups: 1.5 W/kg, 3W/kg, and 6 W/kg.

The rodents were housed in specially designed underground chambers for uniform RFR exposure.

RFR exposures were 10-minutes on, 10-minutes off for 18 hours a day, resulting in a total exposure of 9 hours daily.

Exposure intensity was at low nonthermal or non-heating levels. Heating from microwaves is the only adverse effect recognized by US regulators, who rely on standards set almost two decades ago. The NTP study set exposures at low levels determined not to heat the body in order to test if biological effects occur at non-thermal levels.

What cancers and tumors were found?

Increased incidence of gliomas, a rare and aggressive, highly malignant brain cancer, as well as schwannomas (a rare tumor of the nerve sheath) of the heart were found in both sexes but reached statistical significance only in males. Overall, there were more brain abnormalities and tumors in exposed male rats than in exposed female rats. In humans, gliomas are also more common in men than in women.

In addition to the gliomas, there were significantly more rare, pre-cancerous changes in the glial cells of the brain in both sexes, while not a single one of the unexposed control animals developed these same abnormal brain cells. Male rats exposed to all levels of CDMA developed exceptional numbers of damaged, pre-cancerous brain cells (glial hyperplasia). Both male and female rats, exposed to all levels of microwave radiation, developed increased incidence of rare malignant tumors of Schwann cells (nerve sheaths) of the heart. Females exposed to all levels of CDMA also developed precancerous hyperplastic Schwann cells, while none of the unexposed controls developed this rare abnormality.

It should be noted that this partial report focused only on these brain and heart tumors, and that additional results from the rats study will be released by 2017.

Click Here to View/Download More FAQ’s

Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation Slide Presentation Results