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Schools Programs

This page documents the efforts of schools all over the nation to practice safe phone. If you’re interested in starting one of your own programs, please visit our free resources page. For more questions, email info at ehtrust dot org.

Email us if you or anyone you know has created change towards safer cell phone use in your area. Remember, everyone’s actions are important in this issue; no one is too young or old.contest


2013 Video Contest Winners! 

1st Place:

2nd Place:

Jackson Hole, Wyoming – Schools Get Wired

3rd Annual Environmental Health Trust Student Art and Technology Contest Kicks Off in the Jackson Hole Schools and Community
It is that time of year again when Environmental Health Trust [EHT] kicks off its 3rd annual Student Art and Technology Contest. This year we are expanding our efforts to every school in Jackson by including elementary students as well. The contest is designed to get children to dig deeper into the science around wireless technology and the safety measures that are important for them to embrace. With the explosion of wireless devices in families and schools today, EHT’s Safe Cell Phone Use Campaign is vital in bringing important information (some of which is included in very small print in the owner manuals of these devices) to every student, parent and teacher in Jackson.  New developments in research are continually reinforcing what EHT has been promoting as safe practices for years. Children are the most vulnerable to the risks posed by cellular phones and wireless technology with brain cancer now the leading cancer killer in children. The World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics are only two of the many organizations that have now come out with statements of caution and reiterates EHT’s concerns about the importance of promoting Cell Phone Safety.Children are especially vulnerable to the overexposure of electro-magnetic fields and EHT helps people understand what they can do to limit their risk of exposure. EHT presents this information and contest particulars in classrooms, school meetings and parent groups at every school in Jackson,Wyoming.

2013 Contest Flyer

Environmental Health Trust

   Informational Poster

Winning Bumper Stickers 2012

Winning Film 2012

Previous Winners

Ada, Oklahoma

Never underestimate what a group of school kids from Oklahoma can do to promote safer cell phones!

This video was created by a Byng Junior High School 9th grade science research team as part of their award-winning 2009-10 U.S. Army E-Cybermission project addressing the human health risks of cell phone radiation.


“These students approached me directly, having read about my warning label legislation in Maine.  I suggested some ideas and resources to them, and they took off.  They embody the promise of our youth.” – Representative Andrea M. Boland

“This is a GREAT video.  The kids really got it and have fun telling their peers.” – Lloyd Morgan