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EHT president Kent Chamberlin was featured in a podcast with Environment & Energy Leader‘s Jessica Hunt, for the Sustainability Unveiled Vodcast.

Environment & Energy Leader also released an article summarizing the history of cell towers, the flawed regulations, the health dangers, strategies for schools, businesses, homes and a call for increased transparency and awareness featuring interviews with Dr. Davis and Professor Kent Chamberlin. The article is entitled The Hidden Health Dangers of Wireless Radiation: A Closer Look at 5G.

“Human exposure guidelines, established by the self-appointed ICNIRP, focus on short-term tissue heating rather than biological effects such as DNA damage, cancer, or neurological harm. Despite a U.S. lawsuit confirming the FCC’s failure to update guidelines considering harmful effects, the introduction of 5G continues based on these flawed standards. Scientific evidence increasingly shows that radiofrequency radiation from cell towers harms humans and wildlife. Some countries, like Russia, China, and Switzerland, have set stricter precautionary standards than ICNIRP.”

“Mitigation Strategies for Businesses, Schools and Consumers

Amid these rising concerns, consumers are advised to take proactive steps to minimize their exposure to wireless radiation. Effective strategies include:

  1. Using Wired Connections: Opt for wired internet connections instead of Wi-Fi whenever possible.
  2. Strategic Router Placement: To reduce exposure, install routers in less frequented areas of your home or workplace.
  3. Turning Off Wi-Fi: Disable Wi-Fi functionalities in appliances when not in use.
  4. Measuring Exposure Levels: Utilize meters to measure exposure levels and ensure they remain within safe limits.”

Read “The Hidden Health Dangers of Wireless Radiation: A Closer Look at 5G.”