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The Detroit News: Detroit’s Proliferation Of School Cellphone Towers Prompt Study Request

The Detroit City Council approved a resolution by Councilwoman Mary Waters that asked the Detroit Health Department to assess the health impact of cellphone towers on the city’s school children. Over 20 Detroit schools have cell antennas.

“The concerns about cellphone towers on school property have spread from Wyandotte to Detroit, where parents in Michigan’s largest city are expressing their worries and the City Council has asked the health department to do a study. Aliya Brown, whose daughter attends Paul Robeson Malcolm X Academy, said she became concerned for the safety of children and staff members at Detroit’s public schools after learning there are 21 school locations with cellphone towers, including one at the academy. She said she immediately contacted her daughter’s principal and asked him about it. “He emailed the central office, and they said to their knowledge that they were safe,” she said.”

“He emailed the central office, and they said to their knowledge that they were safe,” she said. In an attempt to get answers, she contacted the Environmental Health Trust, an environmental health hazard nonprofit, attended City Council meetings, went live on Facebook to try to spread awareness to other parents, and contacted state representatives.

“I’ve tried, and it’s been crickets,” she said. “As a stakeholder, I feel very disrespected because you tell us that your core values are integrity and transparency, and that’s none of this.” These safety concerns prompted the Detroit City Council in May to approve a resolution by Councilwoman Mary Waters that asked the Detroit Health Department to assess the health impact of cellphone towers on the city’s school children.” Read the full article  that made front page Detroit News here. 

State and federal lawmakers have voiced opposition to the cell tower. 

U.S Congressman Shri Thanedar released a press statement saying that the cell tower on top of the school is unacceptable and spoke at an expert webinar with legal and science experts.  

U.S. Rep. Shri Thanedar, D-Detroit –– has written to the FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel (March 3rd press release here; March 28th letter here) and requested the following: 

  • that the FCC and external partners review placing cell phone towers on school grounds, 
  • that the FCC must become more responsive to the needs of our citizens and devise ways to increase trust among the American public, 
  • that the FCC revise the RF limits, 
  • that the FCC  collaborate with leading researchers and academic institutions, 
  • that the FCC promulgate essential research findings to the American public

Michigan State Representative James Desana introduced a state bill to restrict cell towers at schools. Environmental Health Trust submitted a scientific letter on the health effects of cellular radiation to Representative James Desana in support of the bill which documented the scientific research indicating harmful effects,” Cell antennas and cell towers should not be placed near schools and homes. Safety is not assured even if the cell tower is compliant with FCC limits.” 

Environmental Health Trust also sent a scientific letter to Detroit Public Schools. In the letter EHT experts address the inaccurate statement that the FDA regarding safety as the FDA has not evaluated 5G technology nor cell tower radiation.

Listen to testimony by Detroit parents, teachers and staff and see the towers on Detroit schools.

Wyandotte Michigan School Cell Tower

Nearby Detroit in Wyandotte Michigan parents have been successfully protesting the installation of 5G cell antennas on their children’s elementary school for months now resulting in near daily news coverage. The superintendent and school board member resigned amidst the controversy.  The legal battle is ongoing. 


See the Governor of Wyoming letter to the FCC.