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No safety studies have been done before 5G was rolled out. European citizens are now urgently asking the EU to establish protection rules.



Enact regulations to protect all life from radio frequency and microwave radiation

Hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific studies independent from industry including the most recent research prove radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF, EMF) have harmful bioeffects at intensities millions of times lower than current limits. We demand the application of the precautionary principle to RF-EMF to protect against risks to the environment and human health.

Ten proposals to implement in EU law
1. Enact RF-EMF exposure limits based on all health and biological effects, not only those related to temperature, to protect humans – above all children, pregnant women, patients, the elderly, the infirm, electrohypersensitive people (EHS), those injured by this radiation and those using electromedical devices or implants; apply the precautionary principle
2. Update Recommendation 1999/519/EC and Workplace Directive 2013/35/EU. These “should be regularly reviewed and reassessed”
3. Recommendation 1999/519/EC and Workplace Directive 2013/35/EU “must be based on the best available scientific data”. We demand limits are set to the MOST PROTECTIVE AMONG ALL scientific and empirical guidelines available, including
• Council of Europe Resolution 1815
• Bioinitiative 2012
• Building biology evaluation guidelines
• EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016
4. Ensure additional exposure guidelines are made by scientists with biomedical expertise and who are free from conflicts of interest: appoint a new panel or expand SCHEER’s activities to assess RF EMF’s bioactive parameters
5. Ensure the testing of wireless devices, antennas, and their operation assesses all biologically active parameters of RF-EMF
6. Replace wireless connections with cables. Do so immediately in places such as hospitals, kindergartens, schools, retirement homes, and all public buildings
7. Educate the public on the hazards associated with wireless connections and how to minimize exposure (e.g. using cables)
8. Advise member states to provide low/no radiation zones in municipalities. Declare all nature reserves and parks low/no radiation zones
9. IToprotect human health and bio-integrity, ask EU citizens for informed consent before exposing them to RF-EMF
10. based on the precautionary principle, enact a directive regarding RF-EMF exposure limits for the protection of fauna and flora

Enact stronger regulations to protect the environment
from all the impacts of 5G and digitalization

Far from being a step towards an energy-efficient and sustainable future, 5G and the introduction of the Internet of Things will greatly contribute to pollution and resource depletion. By 2025 they could account for 20% of worldwide electricity consumption

Eight proposals to implement in EU law
11. Update Directive 2011/92/EU to include 5G deployment and all telecommunication as projects in Annex 1 to ensure that such projects are made subject to environmental assessment or screening as prescribed by the directive
12. Reduce the massive electricity consumption caused by digital communication technology by prioritizing wired and low-energy solutions in the action plan for the European Green Deal
13. Include “Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment” (WEEE), other waste products, and the environmental impacts of mining for rare earth minerals and metals used in electronic equipment in the “Zero pollution action plan”
14. Update Ecodesign Directive from 2009 setting tight limits to resource and energy waste of all connected devices including antennas and satellites
15. Recognize all biologically harmful parameters of RF-EMF as a pollutant. Include them in all relevant EU Policies and Directives
16. Include monitoring of all biological harmful parameters of RF-EMF in Environmental monitoring programs, Biodiversity Strategy 2030, EU Nature restoration targets, Habitats, and Birds Directives, and Natura 2000
17. Call for an immediate moratorium on 5G satellites mega-constellations worldwide until the environmental adverse effects are resolved
18. Make an environmental impact assessment of all space projects a priority within the European Space Policy

Enact effective data protection to safeguard our privacy, security, and freedom

Current data protection is insufficient in an Internet of Bodies and Things scenario in which all devices are collecting our data 24/7, to be processed as Big Data by artificial intelligence which has been proven to reproduce and aggravate discrimination. It is also extremely concerning that 70% of investment in 5G is in surveillance systems, including facial recognition cameras and drones.

Five proposals to implement in EU law
19. Launch an impact assessment of the effects of 5G, including connected objects and bodies, on personal data protection and evaluate compliance against current data protection laws
20. Protect citizens against the increasing cybercrime by applying the principle of data minimization to the collection via wireless (such as medical and banking data)
21. Ensure the European Data Protection Board fight actively and independently against discrimination and digital rights violations
22. Require each citizen’s explicit consent to subject their data to any automated procedure
23. Organize public debates on whether or to what extent to authorize digital innovations, led by scientists with biomedical expertise and who are free from conflicts of interest: appoint a new ethics committee or expand EGE’s activities