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It’s difficult to separate myths and facts of 5G. Even scientists outside this highly technical professional field routinely misunderstand and confuse the physics with the biological impacts of wireless radiation exposure. What they say about the safety of wireless radiation is wrong. We have the science to prove it and clear it up for the layman.

Join us on Tuesday, Jan. 25, 2022, at 11:30 a.m. ET, 8:30 a.m. PT, as EHT founder Dr. Devra Davis and Physics Professor Paul Ben Ishai of Ariel University hold a live event to discuss the myths vs. facts on the science of wireless radiation.

You can join by Zoom or watch Live on Facebook.


Read the Latest News and Information on Wireless Radiation

5G Wireless Health and Environment Dangers Podcast and Article in Environment & Energy Leader

EHT president Kent Chamberlin was featured in a podcast with Environment & Energy Leader's Jessica Hunt, for the Sustainability Unveiled Vodcast. Environment & Energy Leader also released an article summarizing the history of cell towers, the flawed...

School Districts Prohibit Cell Towers on School Property

Many school districts have banned cell towers. Communities are opposed to cell towers at schools due to the radiation exposure. Numerous studies document health effects from long term exposure to cell tower radiation.  Los Angeles Board of Education California which...

CBS8: Neighbors fighting to stop a proposed 5G cell tower near a preschool and homes

North County neighbors aren't hanging up their fight to stop a proposed 5G tower near a preschool, homes CBS8: Verizon wants a conditional use permit to erect a 41-foot 5G tower at the northeast corner of San Elijo and Rancho Santa Fe Roads. The proposed site is in...

Cell Towers Drop Property Values 

Documentation: Cell Towers Drop Property Values  Several realtors from the Oakland Township documented their professional opinion in a series of letters related to a proposed cell tower.  "In my opinion from extensive experience I will tell you the cell tower will...

Professor Kent Chamberlin on 5G and Wireless Health Effects

Numerous health effects are linked to exposure to wireless radiation. The New Hampshire State Commission on 5G Health and Environment investigated the issue of RF radiation for a year and issued a final report recommending reducing children’s RF exposure and that the...

New Study: Wireless Radiation From Base Station Antennas Linked to Oxidative Stress in Honeybees

Read the impact of long-term RF-EMF exposure on oxidative stress in honeybees across different developmental stages in this detailed study by Vilić et al., 2024.

U.S. Government Regulations on Cell Tower Radiation

Explore the health risks of cell tower radiation, especially for children, and learn why experts call for stricter FCC RF exposure limits based on recent scientific research.

KDKA: Resident fighting to keep Verizon from installing cell phone tower near property

Butler County resident fights to stop a Verizon cell phone tower near his home due to health concerns. Learn about his story and how to take action.