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FOX National News aired a segment on primetime and ran an article featuring an interview between Tucker Carlson with Dr. Devra Davis, founder of Environmental Health Trust on cell phone and 5G radiation. Dr. Davis has been featured on numerous national news platforms over the years. CNN’s Sanjay Gupta did several segments on her research on children, CBC spotlighted Dr. Davis’ on industry influence, and Dr. Davis has been featured on Good Morning America, ABC News, CBS News, Time Magazine, CNET, PBS, and Green America. 

The December 2021 segment than ran on Fox prime time is free to watch below. In the interview Dr. Davis speaks on how federal agencies are captured by the wireless industry and are ignoring the scientific evidence.



Here are links to the videos and articles

As you know, our mission is to educate the public on the dangers of wireless radiation. Carlson reaches an audience of more than 3 million nationally.

Tweet by Tucker Carlson on the interview with Dr. Davis










Last year, in 2020 Tucker Carlson ran a story on the issue of cell phone radiation.

Watch it below.  (Facebook link 2020)