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The Cancer Association of South Africa plans to update its advice on cell phone use. The following is an excerpt from its current page: 

Because cell phones are held near the head when in use, the main concern has been whether they might cause or contribute to tumours in this area, including:

  • Malignant (cancerous) brain tumours such as gliomas
  • Non-cancerous tumours of the brain such as meningiomas
  • Non-cancerous tumours of the nerve connecting the brain to the ear (acoustic neuromas)
  • Non-cancerous tumours of the salivary glands

CANSA’s Advice:

We acknowledge the importance of cellphones in daily life, especially in emergencies and recommend the following precautions:

  • Limit the number and duration of calls
  • Use text messages when possible
  • Switch sides of the head when the call is long
  • Use hands-free kits or speaker phone mode to keep the phone at a distance from the head
  • Instruct children and teenagers to limit calls to emergencies only as they are more vulnerable to electro-magnetic radiation

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