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Anthropogenic Pollution by Electric and Magnetic Fields, from AC Fields to EM Radiation, and its Effects on Public Health

Announcement – Special Issue in Environmental Research (Impact Factor 5.715)

We are happy to announce a special Issue on the subject:

Anthropogenic Pollution by Electric and Magnetic Fields, from AC Fields to EM Radiation, and its Effects on Public Health

Guest Editors: Hugo Gonçalves Silva PhD., Paul Ben Ishai PhD., Devra Davis PhD., M.D. and Antony Miller PhD.

As we are acting as guest editors for this issue, we would like to welcome contributions from various disciplines. We kindly invite you to consider submitting your full paper to this special issue.


After more than 50 years of investigation on the Effects on Public Health of Anthropogenic Pollution by Electric and Magnetic fields, the number of publications has risen to above 32 thousand, according to the on-line database: This considerable body of research has provided substantial evidence of the detrimental effect that this form of pollution has on public health, from which the increased risk of leukemia for children living near high-voltage power lines, and brain tumors for frequent users of mobile communications, are highlighted from many more. In this context, the objective of this special issue is to compile in a single “folder” of references, the essential milestones of these years of research with two goals: 1) to consolidate the research field and bring it into main research topics and academic courses; 2) facilitate the search for main results in this area to both scientists (specialized or not) and, very importantly, to interested citizens and authorities. Considered in this way, the impact of this Special Issue on the improvement of Public Health may be immense.

The special issue is a follow on from the successful Expert Forum held in Tel Aviv University in 2020 (Lectures can be viewed here)

We are calling for regular contributions ( Authors Guide )

To submit your manuscript please go to Environmental Research and follow the procedures for manuscript submission. When prompted for ‘Enter Manuscript Information’ you can select our Special Issue “Electromagnetic Pollution

First submission date :1st October 2021

More information at