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Cell Tower Radiation Injures Family in Massachusetts

WTBR-FM’s ‘Morning Drive’ William Sturgeon Interview s Courtney Gilardi,  Dr. Prashanthi Atluri and Theodora Scarato Executive Director Of Environmental Health Trust

Watch WTBR-FM’s ‘Morning Drive’ – 4/14/2021

A Neighborhood Sick After the Cell Tower Was Installed

Listen to a mother and her daughter share how they became sick after the cell tower near their home was fired up. Two sisters have headaches, rashes and vomiting spells since the cell tower was turned on.  Several other neighbors are also reporting symptoms. watch the video below where Theodora Scarato Exceutive Director of EHT interviwed the family. Mother Courtney Gilardi has been tirelessly working to advocate for a safe environment. The cell tower and sick families has been featured in several news reports. Most recently  the Council unanimously asked the Health Department to investigate the illness reported by people living near the cell tower. Howeve the Department responded that they didnot have the expertise. Courtney Gilardi continues to advocate and you can follow her efforts at and

3/23/2021 Testimony to the City Council of Pittsfield Massachusetts

I am 13 years old.

Thank you for allowing me to speak tonight.

I have been calling into City Council meetings ever since my sister and I started getting headaches and dizzy from the cell tower. She gets skin rashes and we both get nauseous. Some nights we sleep with vomiting buckets on our pillow. Some nights, I sleep very little. This is no way to live at all. 

Since the tower has been on, we have not felt healthy at home. We have had to go to the doctors sometimes every other week.  Sometimes our symptoms are so bad we cannot log on to go to school.  

It has been months and nothing has been done to help our family or our neighborhood.  I have to wonder if anyone in the city actually cares about the health of the children and residents.

I have always been encouraged to speak up to make things better, but when I speak, the city ignores me. Do you know how it makes the people feel here when they are ignored? When they cannot get any answers? It makes me feel invisible. It makes me feel less than. It makes some of us feel like what is the hope in trying if nothing changes. It makes me feel like my voice and my home and my safety and my health is not important. It does not make me feel like I am a valued part of this community.

It does not make me feel valued. 

We are asking for your help to make this better- together.

I want to think that the city of Pittsfield is committed to protecting all of its residents;  those that live in Shacktown, those who are less resourced, those who are old or young or suffer from a sensitivity to the radio frequency radiation that is now in our neighborhood. I want to believe you care about us enough that when you hear that neighbors are living in their cars and not their homes that you do something about this quickly.

We may not be your children but we are the children of Pittsfield. We are not invisible.  

It should not take this long to hear us. It should not take this long to help us.

Thank you.

See below a conversation on the John Krol Show with former Microsoft Canada head Frank Clegg, Paul Héroux, PhD Professor of Toxicology and Health Effects of Electromagnetism McGill University Medicine Department of Surgery, McGill University Health Center, and Pittsfield Massachusetts resident and advocate Courtney Gilardi on the health impacts of cell towers and what some communities (and nations) have done to protect its residents.