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 Grandfather’s Letter to His Grandson 


Pascal Gélinas and André Fauteux on Patreon


Grandfather’s Letter to His Grandson

 “Every day lost, every excuse invoked, every tactic invented only increases the damage to human life, to the environment and to the generations who will have to fix the broken pieces.” Documentary filmmaker Pascal Gélinas wrote these heart-wrenching words to his grandson in a public letter released in November 2020. These words are the concluding statements that followed a long, detailed description of the biological effects of RF-EMF that Gélinas has been documenting and sharing with his many followers. Must Read: 5G: An outraged grandfather’s letter to his grandson… The consequences that accompany the so-called “advancements” of 5G have been largely ignored by both the U.S. and Canadian governments despite ample up-to-date science linking RF-EMF radiation to effects on humans as well as on birds, bees, and trees. EHT founder Devra Davis recently described how the technological push toward 5G has been provoked by unnecessary geopolitical and ecological gamesmanship — a game with no victor, and certainly no eye toward public health. Must Read: Why the Race to 5G is a Mirage… In this Silver Patreon event, Gélinas, Davis, and Fauteux discussed why this rejection of sound science continues and the “malpractice” committed by federal agencies for their refusal to address public health concerns. They also evaluated priorities for the incoming Biden administration, including appointing independent commissioners to the FCC, requesting a National Academy of Science committee review of the science underlying 5G, and identifying major data gaps and uncertainties about the economic efficiency of 5G. They also discussed the new film, Prisons Without Bars,…, a documentary produced by Gélinas’ wife Nicole Giguère about electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Like this video? Join EHT on Patreon and see future interviews live:​ Subscribe to this channel on YouTube to see more amazing interviews and data on the science of wireless. Like EHT on Facebook: Learn more at


Pascal Gélinas

About Pascal Gélinas

Pascal Gélinas was born in Montreal, Canada, on April 12, 1946. In 1973, he directed his first feature film, Montréal Blues. In 1983, he co-directed a feature-length documentary called La Turlutte des Années Dures (The Ballad of Hard Times), which won the Critics’ Award In Quebec, as well as the Sesterce d’Argent and the Prix Oecuménique at the International Film Festival of Nyon, Switzerland. Between 1984 and 2009, Pascal directed more than 350 science reports for Société Radio-Canada. In 2006, Pascal shot, edited, and produced a documentary called Le Porteur d’Eau (“The Water Bearer”). This film was selected in thirty festivals in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. The film won five awards — two in Canada, and one in France, Tunisia, and Australia. In 2009, he wrote and directed a documentary on his father, the famous playwriter and actor Gratien Gélinas. Titled Gratien Gélinas, Un Géant Aux Pieds d’Argile (“Gratien Gélinas, A Giant With Feet of Clay”), the film was shown on Canadian television and won the Gemini for best documentary.  In 2013 he wrote and directed Huguette Oligny, le Gout de Vivre (“Huguette Oligny, a Taste for Living”). Along with the prize for best biography at the International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA), the film was shown on Canadian television and won the Gemini for best biography. In 2015 Gélinas shot and directed the documentary Un Pont Entre Deux Mondes (“A Bridge Between Two Worlds”). This film was selected to appear in 65 festivals in the Americas, Europe, and Asia and was awarded 15 times.

About André Fauteux

Based near Montréal, Québec, André Fauteux founded Canada’s first French magazine on healthy and sustainable housing, La Maison du 21e Siècle (“21st-Century Housing”), in 1994.  He has covered all aspects of natural building biology as well as advanced (R-2000, LEED, Passive House, etc.) homes. He has been writing about electromagnetic field health effects, diagnosis, mitigation, and politics since 1993 and has developed an extensive international network of expert contacts in these areas. André obtained a Bachelor’s degree in political science and a graduate diploma in journalism before becoming a reporter for the Montreal Gazette daily in 1988. In the 1990s, he wrote extensively about Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)’s Healthy Housing research and publications. CMHC also contracted him to train employees for big-box chain store Reno-Depot in healthy renovations. While still publishing his magazine, he is also a reputed speaker and consultant helping people, organizations, cities, and corporations create a better world.




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