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Please consider signing the Healthy Heavens Trust Declaration written by International attorney, Julian Gresser. The legal team from Healthy Heavens Trust is seeking to gather signatories from well-established organizations and individuals that support the message. The Declaration will become part of the Expedited/Emergency Petition for Rulemaking being submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding their permissive regulatory vacuum on the Satellite Licensing Program.To read the Declaration, watch a short explanatory video interview of Julian Gresser, and to sign the Declaration as an organization and/or individual, go to Please also read the following short summary by Julian of the FCC Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking.


The legal proposition to be tested in the Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking, and in the subsequent judicial appeal, is whether five FCC Commissioners acting arbitrarily and capriciously can legally approve blanket licenses for 80,000+ low orbit, non-stationary satellites and millions of earth stations, for the benefit of a few powerful satellite companies — in flagrant disregard of international and federal law, and the national and international security risks — and to do so without any requirement that the satellite companies indemnify the U.S. government or the international public, or provide reasonable insurance covering the increasingly likely harms.The Petition proposes new rules and procedures to restore Balance. It requires, before any further licensing, comprehensive and systematic assessment of eight domains of national and international security risks, illustrated above. It reaffirms that NASA, other U.S. government agencies and several Congressional committees have already recognized some of these risks as critical to the national interest, yet the FCC is consistently ignoring them in its piecemeal licensing program. It requires the FCC to develop new rules and procedures based on this systematic risk assessment through a collaborative consultative process with other federal and state agencies, international organizations, and national governments, and to hold regular and timely hearings to ensure informed public consent. No such effective consultation has happened to date. There is a permissive regulatory vacuum.

In demanding a moratorium on all new licenses, the Petition for Emergency/Expedited Rulemaking will reaffirm a deep principle embraced by most indigenous peoples and many nations: that the Heavens, our planet’s last precious frontier, are not a commodity to be bought and sold and degraded for private commercial gain; but rather, they are Sacred and held in public trust; and we stewards here on planet Earth, are legally and ethically responsible for their wise and careful exploration.

Although satellites threaten many areas of our lives, this Declaration highlights collisions, debris, and cybersecurity risks, areas where other U.S. government agencies have already warned of an immediate threat to national and international security, and yet the FCC has no plan in place to address these risks. or to require satellite companies to mitigate them as a pre-condition of licensing.

As we know all too well, the launchings are being approved at breakneck speed, and so this action is time sensitive. We ask that organizations and individuals wishing to sign on in support of the Declaration do so as soon as possible.

Again, the Declaration, Explanatory Video, and signing can be found here.

We hope you will sign and share widely with other 5G/EMF collaboratives, environmental organizations, and all groups and individuals working to safeguard our future.

To read the Declaration, watch a short explanatory video interview of Julian Gresser, and to sign the Declaration as an organization and/or individual, go to