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New Hampshire State Commission on 5G Recommendation 4


” Schools and public libraries should migrate from RF wireless connections for computers, laptops, pads, and other devices, to hard- wired or optical connections within a five-year period starting when funding becomes available. There is strong evidence that the younger the child the more susceptible they are to the negative impacts of RF-radiation. Hard-wired connections or optical wireless do not subject children to RF-radiation. The Commission is aware that school districts and public libraries have invested much in wireless infrastructure and that a movement to radiation-less connections would require additional investment of resources.”


On November 1, 2020, the New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology has released its final report to  New Hampshire Governor Christopher T. Sununu, Speaker of the House  Stephen J. Shurtleff,  President of the Senate Donna Soucy summarizing its findings that safety assurances for 5G have “come into question because of the thousands of peer-reviewed studies documenting deleterious health effects associated with cellphone radiation exposure.”  The majority of the New Hampshire Commission voted to support 15 recommendations. Recommendation 4  was to replace wireless technology with safer technology in schools and libraries.

Read the Final Report on New Hampshire Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology on 5G Sent to New Hampshire Governor and Legislature PDF 

Worldwide, parents, teachers and public health experts recommend replacing Wi-Fi with safe technology in schools.

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