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Environmental Health Trust wants you to celebrate this once in about 80,000 year opportunity. Thanksgivukkah is the newly invented name given to the one day on which both Thanksgiving and Hannukkah fall.   As Americans we traditionally give thanks to the 17th century pilgrims that helped give this nation religious freedom. Those of us who are Jewish thank the small band of the Maccabees who fought off religious oppressors.  Whatever you may be celebrating at this time of year, EHT wants to thank all of you for helping us spread the light during this dark time.  As growing numbers of friends and family are questioning how to use cell phones and other wireless devices more safely and turning to us for answers.

Of course, Jews are known as those who wrestle with the Lord and for generally asking lots of questions.  Here’s one question the Turkey might put to the outnumbered Maccabees, “You think you’ve got problems?”  In keeping with the inventiveness of our multi-media world, there’s even a battling rap song between a dreidel and a turkey that ends in hugs.

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