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On Tuesday, August 4, the Snohomish Public Utility Commissioners will vote on a $98 million proposal for the SnoPUD Advanced Metering Infrastructure program (AMI).  Smart meters emit radio frequency radiation in short bursts with some meters emitting bursts 9600 to up to 190,000 bursts a day.   EHT (Environmental Health Trust) has been invited to present on the complex issue of radio frequency radiation and why so many communities are opposed to increasing their daily exposure to this type of non-ionizing radiation. Why are scientists calling to reduce radio frequency radiation exposure?
Theodora Scarato, Executive Director  Environmental Health Trust and Elizabeth  Kelley  Executive Director of the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc. who also directs the International EMF Scientist Appeal Campaign to the United Nations present an educational webinar to begin the conversation.

Resources discussed in the webinar

Zero Protection for Bees Trees Birds and Wildlife

FCC limits were not set to protect bees, trees birds or wildlife. In fact no environmental agency has ever even reviewed the research and developed federal safety standards. EHT Director Theodora Scarato asked the EPA, “What US agency has reviewed the research on damage to trees from cell phone radiation? What US agency has reviewed the research on impacts to birds and bees?.” Lee Ann B. Veal Director, Radiation Protection Division Office of Radiation and Indoor Air at the EPA responded,  “EPA Response: The EPA does not have a funded mandate for radiofrequency matters, and we are not aware of any EPA reviews that have been conducted on this topic. We do not know if any other US agencies have reviewed it.”

Research has found behavioral effects after electromagnetic radiation exposure including inducing artificial worker piping (Favre, 2011), disrupting navigation abilities (Goldsworthy, 2009; Sainudeen, 2011; Kimmel et al., 2007) decreasing rate egg laying rate (Sharma and Kumar, 2010) and reducing colony strength (Sharma and Kumar, 2010; Harst et al., 2006). “Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees” (Waldmann-Selsam, 2016).

190,000 Transmissions a Day? 

California utility Pacific Gas & Electric recognized smartmeters can average 190,00 transmissions in a 24 hour period before that State’s Public Utilities Commission. See the snapshot below from the testimony found at

Research consistently finds that radio frequency radiation penetrates deeper into children’s bodies and brains and the American Academy of Pediatrics considers children more vulnerable to radio frequency radiation- whatever the source. Research that has looked specifically at smartmeters has found that the radiation is absorbed at a faster rate and more intensely into their bodies. Read this 2018 published paper (Qureshi 2018) which concludes that the highest observed whole body specific energy absorption rate value was in the child model when radiation from a smartmeter was simulated. See below an image from a study investigating exposure to smartmeter radiation.

Elizabeth  Kelley 

Elizabeth “Libby” Kelley serves as the Executive Director of the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc. She also directs the International EMF Scientist Appeal Campaign to the United Nations, now signed by 247 scientists in 42 nations. She has a Masters’ degree in health administration from the University of Southern California and has worked on public health and public policy issues for over 40 years. She worked as an analyst in the Office of the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington D.C, after having been selected to enter government service as a U.S. Presidential Management Fellow.

For over two decades she has been dedicated to EMF research and advocacy.  Ms. Kelley produced or co-produced, several documentary films, including “Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution”, which was awarded Best Documentary at the Santa Cruz Film Festival in 2001 and 2003 and, “Cell Phones: Just like Cigarettes”, a cell phone safety video aimed at children and youth. She formerly was the Managing Director for the International Commission on Electromagnetic Safety based in Italy. For her contributions in Italy, she was recognized with the “Friend of the Consumer Award,” given by CODACONs, an Italian national consumer organization. Harper’s Weekly has called her “The Voice of EMF Safety”.