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January 7, 2020 Letter on the conflicts of interests and examples of misrepresentation of science by Martin Röösli on wireless radiation.

The letter is from Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD to the President of the Swiss Confederation and is endorsed by several international experts. It was written at the request of, and coordinated by, Swiss citizen, Reza Ganjavi, MBA.  PDF of Letter

In addition, Einar Flydal expands on the topic of Röösli’s behaviour as the chairman of BERENIS in this article 


Dr. Hardell has published several papers on these conflicts of interest such as “World Health Organization, radiofrequency radiation and health – a hard nut to crack (Review)” published in the International Journal of Oncology and ” Secret ties to industry and conflicting interests in cancer research” published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 

Letter   from Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD to the President of the Swiss Confederation

“Dear Mrs. Sommaruga,

I am writing you as the key individual in charge and accountable over the following concerns: Expert evaluations on health risks from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) and 5G need to be performed by experts with no conflicts of interests Regarding two important government expert groups in Switzerland, several Swiss citizens have brought it to our attention that Associate Professor Martin Röösli is the chair (Director) of BERENIS, and of the subgroup 3 evaluating RF-radiation health risks from 5G technology, despite conflicts of interest, and history of misrepresentation of science.”

Conclusions in the letter 

“Consider to exclude Martin Röösli from a position as an objective expert on health effects of RF-EMF.”

“Switzerland should declare a moratorium on 5G until independent research, performed by scientists without ties to industry, confirms the safety (”

“The excuse that 5G is currently deployed at 4G frequency and therefore is safe is not scientifically correct. 3G, 4G, and WiFi are also not safe.”

“We recommend an educational campaign by Swiss Department of Education (WBF/ EAER) to educate the public about health risks of RF-EMF exposure, and safe use of technology (e.g., deployment of wired internet in schools) as previously recommended by the European Council resolution 1815 in 2011 and The EMF Scientist Appeal (

“We recommend that the government takes steps to significantly reduce exposure of public to RF-EMF, be it 5G, 4G, WiFi, Bluetooth, Smart-meters, etc.”

It is imperative that the chair and other experts evaluating scientific evidence and assessing health risks from RF radiation do not have such clear conflicts of interests or bias as Martin Röösli has. Indeed, being a member of ICNIRP and being funded by industry directly or through an industry funded foundation, constitutes clear conflicts of interest. Furthermore, it is recommended that the interpretation of results from studies of health effects of radiofrequency radiation should take sponsorship from telecom industry into account.”

Download Letter 

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Critical published research papers on industry influence:


Please also be aware of these investigative reports on industry influence:

Documentation that ICNIRP and the EMF Project are connected to industry money.  Watch details of how radiation limits were developed in the documentary “A Radiant Day. ”  Microwave News, Microwave News Responds to Mike Repacholi November 17, 2016


  • “Up to half, if not more, of the WHO’s EMF project’s funding came from industry.”
  • “Repacholi states that he always followed the WHO rules on funding and that, “NO funds were EVER sent to me.” [His emphasis.] “This is financial legerdemain. As Microwave News has previously reported, Repacholi arranged for the industry money to be sent to the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia, where he used to work. The funds were then transferred to the WHO. Seven years ago, Norm Sandler, a Motorola spokesman, told us that, “This is the process for all the supporters of the WHO program.” At the time, Motorola was sending Repacholi $50,000 each year. That money is now bundled with other industry contributions and sent to Australia by the Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF), which gives the project $150,000 a year.” “ What is the difference between sending money directly to the WHO and sending it via Australia?,” we asked Repacholi last December. He never re- sponded. We don’t think there is any difference. We don’t understand how the WHO can see this as anything other than money laundering. On numerous occasions we have asked Repacholi to reveal all the sources of the funding of the WHO EMF project. He has consistently refused.”

    “Repacholi writes that: “To say that I am or was ever influ- enced by industry in any way is completely ludicrous.” Those of us who have watched Repacholi sell out the public health at the WHO for the last ten years know just how ridiculous that state- ment is.”