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Kaspers v. Verizon Wireless Services LLC, case number 1:20-cv-02142, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

From Law360 (May 21, 2020, 10:06 PM EDT) — “An Atlanta attorney claims Verizon Wireless sent subcontractors to his neighborhood in a “corporate invasion” that aims to build a 5G tower in his yard, putting him and his neighbors at risk of contracting COVID-19 from the unmasked workers as well as diseases purportedly linked to 5G.”

“Kasper is alleging unlawful trespass and resulting property devaluation, unlawful taking of property and of the joy and benefits of homeownership, fraud and intentional infliction of emotional distress, among other claims.”

“He’s looking to represent between 110 and 220 individuals who own homes in the Derby Hills residential area “who have been subjected to threats by defendant Verizon and defendant’s installation subcontractor of the installation and operation of 5G high frequency transmission cell units” throughout the neighborhood.”

Read the full article on lawsuit  at Law360 HERE. 

If you are interested in following the case and Verizon’s reactions, more information can be found at

News Coverage of Ongoing Situation

April 6, 2020, Northside Neighbors: Sandy Springs residents riled up again about Verizon’s mini-cell towers

“In January, neighbors in the Derby Hills subdivision became upset after subcontractors showed up without notice and prepared to install 34-foot antennas as part of Verizon’s plan to upgrade its cellular network to 5G (fifth-generation) technology. They complained to city officials (plus their state lawmakers), but because of a new federal policy and a new state law allowing the antennas to be installed 50 feet apart, the city may have no way of stopping it.”

April 1, 2020, Sandy Springs orders installation of Verizon 5G poles to halt indefinitely, citing pandemic, Reporters Newspapers

“Sandy Springs has ordered the controversial installation of Verizon 5G poles in a neighborhood to halt indefinitely, citing the coronavirus pandemic. “Upon hearing that subcontractors were approaching homeowners during this time of a national pandemic crisis, the city has issued a Stop Work Order on all installation in [residential] neighborhoods until the end of [the] pandemic crisis,” city spokesperson Sharon Kraun said.”

Read more about Cities opposing 5G HERE