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Safe technology at home is simple once you know the steps.

Please download and share these resources on how to reduce cell phone and wireless radiation and how to set up a healthy computer workstation. EHT has created factsheets for you in color and in black and white for printing. These recommendations are in line with the New Jersey Education Association Recommendations

Our deep dive instruction section goes in depth and provides examples though videos and more tips and full explanations for every step from blue light to removing the Wi-Fi from your modem and more.

We hope you will share this information with your friends and family.

“The Maryland State Department of Education should recommend that local school systems consider using wired devices“- MARYLAND STATE CHILDREN’S ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND PROTECTION ADVISORY COUNCIL

The European Parliamentary Assembly issued Resolution 1815 which recommends reducing EMF exposure to the public and recommends, “for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises.” 

More medical experts with safety recommendations to use wired, not wireless includes: Physicians for Safe Technology and Dr. Moskowitz at University of California Berkeley.

May 2020 webinar on safe technology with EHT, Physicians for Safe Technology and Families Advocating for Chemical and Toxics Safety



Here are some things that emit wireless in a house.

Printable Resources

Click HERE for more printable factsheets and flyers to hand on your fridge and share it with neighbors.

Click HERE to reduce magnetic fields in your home.