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Read the latest op-ed published in International Business Times by Theodora Scarato Executive Director of EHT.

Amid 5G Concerns, The US And Europe Need Safer Technology For Children

“Most people are unaware of the scientific call to reduce wireless exposures or they dismiss it outright as lacking a scientific basis. However, there is a large body of peer-reviewed and published research indicating cell phone and wireless radiation poses serious threats to children’s health in Europe and other parts of the world. From memory damage in teens, to sperm damage, to cancer in animals and humans, the scientific evidence grows every day.

Russian experts from the Ministry of Health and the Russian National Committee for Protection Against Non-ionizing Radiation have just released new recommendations for children now moving to online learning at home on computers. They recommend limiting overall screen time, disinfecting the keyboard and using wired rather than Wi-Fi. They also warn against using smartphones for educational purposes.

In the United States, a Harvard investigation explains how wireless companies are using the same tactics as Big Tobacco. We have to follow the money.  As the history of lead, asbestos and tobacco teaches us, it could take years for protective policy. Children can’t wait decades.”

Read the full article at  International Business Times Amid 5G Concerns, The US And Europe Need Safer Technology For Children.