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EHT interviews Joshua Rosenthal, MD on the health effects of blue light for one of our Patreon webinars.

Dr. Joshua Rosenthal, ENT-otolaryngologist based in Huntington, New York. He is board certified in sleep medicine. Please watch it below and please also see below an interview with the Doug and Patti Wood of the Green Light Special.

The Green Light Special: The Blue Light Special with Joshua Rosenthal, MD

On this edition of Green Street  Patti and Doug Wood talk about blue light and its possible impacts on human health with Dr. Joshua Rosenthal, ENT-otolaryngologist based in Huntington, New York. He is board certified in sleep medicine, and his website is

Additional Resources from Dr. Rosenthal

Quick Tips to Decrease Blue Light Exposure 

Reduce Blue Light for Tech: Get blue light blockers on your screens  both physical blockers and downloadable programs) and/or wear blue light blocking glasses. Make your screens red. (Watch video on this here.) Consider a full 100% blocker especially at night.

Limit Time on Devices:  It is as simple as that. Get outside. Look at trees and nature. You know what to do.

Create a Healthy Sleep Space: Do not sleep with your cell phone. Ensure bedrooms are free of all screens and wireless devices. Power off all wireless devices at night in your home so that your nighttime exposure to radiation is reduced. This includes routers, gaming consoles, home cordless phone bases, and mobile phones. Use battery powered alarm clocks, because electric clocks emit high electric fields that also impact melatonin. Need a phone alarm clock? Put the phone on on airplane/flight mode.

 Keep your Bedroom Dark: Use light-blocking curtains or an eyepatch to keep light out of your eyes at night. If you need access to light in the middle of the night, use  low-illumination night lights—rather than switching on hallway or bathroom lights that would flood your body with melatonin-suppressing light.

 Start a Healthy Bedtime Routine: Stop using screens at least an hour or two before bedtime. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an “Electronic Bedtime”. Parents can and should set healthy limits on screen time with their teens and children. For example, at a certain time all devices are collected and powered off.

 Get Light Exposure During the Day: Daytime exposure to light (especially in the morning and evening when the sun is rising and setting) can help strengthen circadian rhythms and boost your daytime alertness, resulting in a body better prepared for sleep at night.

 Reduce Wireless Exposures Whenever Possible: Reduce exposures to wireless radiation by making simple changes at your home, such as using corded ethernet connections for computer internet connections and choosing wires rather than wireless for smaller tech devices like your computer mouse, speakers, and other components. Simple changes to the way you use your cell phone can significantly decrease your exposure throughout the day. Learn more on our Ten Steps To Safe Technology Page Here.