Letters from the US Congress asking for documentation of safety in regards to the 5G rollout and questions about cell phone radiation.
Letter from Rep Suozzi on 5G
Letter from Rep DeFazio and Rep Suozzi Letter to the FCC on Chicago Tribune Study – 9/13/19
Letter from Rep Thomas Suozzi (New York) to the FCC 4/2019
Letter from Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (Oregon) to the FCC 4/2019
Letter from Senator James F. Gaughran (New York) July 23, 2019
- “My constituents are concerned that until they can be sure that living in close proximity to cell antennas will not cause adverse health effects, we would like to see these “small cells” shut down and removed from our neighborhoods. We are also concerned with the long-term 24/7 exposure to 2G, 3G, and 4G that are currently in our neighborhoods. They are especially concerned with the more vulnerable populations such as children, fetus in the womb, and the immune compromised.”
Letter from Representative Andy Kim (New Jersey) to the FCC 4/2019
US FCC Chairman Pai’s Response to Members of Congress Regarding the Potential Impact of 5G Deployment on RF Exposure
FCC Chairman Pai has a dedicated FCC webpage on 5G safety with all of his letters responding to Congress.
Letter from the FCC to Senator Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut) and Rep Anna G. Eshoo (California)
Letter from the FCC to Rep Thomas Suozzi (New York)
Letter from the FCC to Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (Oregon)
Letter from the FCC to Representative Andy Kim (New Jersey)
“I believe the American people deserve to know what the health effects are…We are flying blind here on health and safety”.
– Senator Richard Blumenthal
Additional References
Scientific analyses show industry funding can and does influence research on radio frequency radiation. Please take the time to review each of these studies and to review the documentation provided by experts. This webpage has published citations on the influence of industry and vested interests (scroll down). Please also be aware of these investigative reports on industry influence which summarize the issue:
- The Harvard Press Book “Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the Industries it Presumably Regulates”by Norm Alster documents the financial ties between the US federal government’s Federal communications Commission (FCC) and how, as a result, the wireless industry has bought inordinate access to—and power over—a major US regulatory agency. Read that here.
- “The Disinformation Campaign—And Massive Radiation Increase—Behind The 5G Rollout” by Mark Hertsgaard And Mark Dowie in The Nation April 23, 2018
- “Health and Cellphones: How Wireless Made Us Think Cell Phones Are Safe” Your Call, KALW 91.7FM San Francisco explores “how big wireless companies used the same playbook as big oil and big tobacco to deceive the public” with guests Dr. Devra Davis and Mark Hertsgaard.
- Democracy Now: How the Wireless Industry Convinced the Public Cellphones Are Safe & Cherry-Picked Research on Risks
- Dr. Starkey presented how the government authorities are misleading the public and dismissing evidence of harm. Dr. Starkey’s PPT is a critical look going point by point over the misinformation.
Informative Investigative News Stories over the Years
- GQ Magazine 2010, Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health
- Alternet “What the Cellphone Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know About Radiation Concerns” June 2013
- Seattle Magazine, UW Scientist Henry Lai Makes Waves in the Cell Phone Industry
Investigate Europe’s Two Part Investigation on 5G: 5G The Mass Experiment (Part 1) and How Much is Safe? Finances Effect Research (Part 2) This must read report in 2019 covers the 5G rollout and the history of industry influenced research on EMFS.
“At least three studies over the years have documented that there is often a link between conclusions of studies and the source of the money that paid for the research. Science funded by industry is less likely to find health risks than studies paid for by institutions or authorities….Studies which are solely financed by industry are likely to be biased” – Investigate Europe, 2019 Investigate Europe alleges the existence of an “ICNIRP cartel.” The journalists identified a group of fourteen scientists who either helped create, or defend, the EMF exposure guidelines disseminated by ICNIRP, a non- governmental organization (NGO) based in Germany. ICNIRP’s self-selected members argue that the thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have found harmful biologic or health effects from chronic exposure to non-thermal levels of EMF are insufficient to warrant stronger safety guidelines. “The ICNIRP Cartel: Who’s Who in the EMF Research World,” an interactive graphic developed by Investigate Europe (German ICNIRP Cartel). Dr. Moskowitz PDF of ICNIRP Cartel Is the industry aware of the health effects? Yes. For example, the 2000 Ecolog report commissioned by T-Mobile and Deutsche Telecom MobilNet GmbH describes the the science showing biological effects from cell phone radiation including gene toxicity, cellular processes, effects on the immune system, central nervous system, hormone systems and connections with cancer and infertility. The report states that:
- “Given the results of the present epidemiological studies, it can be concluded that electromagnetic fields with frequencies in the mobile telecommunications range do play a role in the development of cancer.” “Impairment of cognitive functions was found in animal experiments at power flux densities of 2W/m2. In humans, there are indications that brain functions are influenced by fields such as they occur when using a mobile telephone.” “An epidemiological study of children who had been exposed to pulsed high frequency fields, found a decrease in the capability to concentrate and an increase in reaction times.” “Effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields on the central nervous system are proven for intensities well below the current guidelines.