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On December 20, 2017 the Daily Mail published,  “These techy Christmas gifts could raise your child’s risk of CANCER, former US health official warns” featuring information from EHT’s December 19, 2017 press conference on our holiday alert.

Dr. Davis and Dr. Ronald Melnick were featured in this article about wireless toys.

“Now, several health and technology experts, including former National Institutes for Health toxicologist Dr Ronald Melnick, held a discussion of cell phone and high-tech toy risks and preventative measures.

They advised families to use extra caution when buying wireless devices, smartphones and toys and virtual reality headsets, urging shoppers that all of these give off microwave radiation that may cause cancer and infertility.”

“Dr Melnick was part of a $25 million study of the National Institutes of Health’s toxicology study on phone radiation.

The study intentionally exposed rats to cell phone radiation.  

‘Results from that study showed that rats developed tumors, gliomas (brain tumors) and malignant [tumors] of the heart. In addition, there was DNA damage in brain cells of exposed animals,’ he said.

Dr Melnick was particularly concerned because he says that the rat developed the same kinds of cancers other studies had observed occurring in cell phone using humans.

‘In my view, this should raise public health concerns to a much higher level than exists now,’ Dr Melnick said.

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