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Cell Phone Radiation – What Does the Latest Science Say?
Lloyd Burrell Interviews Dr. Devra Davis, May 04, 2017

Dr. Davis was interviewed by Lloyd Burrell, founder of Electricsense and discussed the current published research on the health effects of wireless radiation including:

  • Are EMFs really more dangerous than any other toxin?
  • 5G – how will it change our lives what are the dangers?
  • Why do people still think that cell phone radiation is harmless?
  • Are cell phones the biggest threat?
  • What steps you should take to safeguard your health?

See the interview overview:

Listen to a 30-minute segment of the interview: MP3 Link

Lloyd Burrell is the founder of ElectricSense, a website which provides educational information on the health effects of wireless radiation and recommendations on ways to reduce exposure. Lloyd has conducted many interviews with experts in the field, providing this information to viewers on his site