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2012 “Antennae Law” prohibiting cell antennae/towers in “sensitive areas”

  • Read International Bar Association Legal Practice Division Newsletter: “New communications antennae law in Chile” 
  • ‘Regulates the installation of antennas used for the emission and transmission of telecommunications services’ This law limits the power of antennas,  reduces urban impact of towers through ‘infrastructure sharing’ opens up a process for citizen participation in the approval or denial process, establishes mitigation measures in areas that are saturated with antennas and prohibits towers near “sensitive areas” institutions serving children, the elderly and medically compromised. 
  • Sensitive areas are those areas that demand special protection due to the presence of educational institutions, nurseries, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics, nursing homes or other institutions of similar nature. 
  • Chile’s Minister of Transportation and Telecommunications Pedro Pablo Errazuriz stated, “…in addition to protecting the urban landscape and the goodwill of the neighborhoods, the new law takes care of the most important: the health of people in a precautionary manner as recommended by the World Health Organization, setting strict limits on the powers of the antennas. Chile is setting standards in this regard.” 
  • RCRWireless News Article – “Chilean telecom companies need to comply with new antenna law