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Book Chapter: Modified health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation combined with other agents reported in the biomedical literature
By Ronald N. Kostoff and Clifford G.Y. Lau

health effects of non ionizing EMF combined with other agentsA recent book chapter on electromagnetic field (EMF) health effects has been published entitled “Modified health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation combined with other agents reported in the biomedical literature.” The Chapter is openly accessible at the link.

The book chapter reviews the published literature identifying effects on biological systems found from combined exposure to EMF and at least one other agent. These effects may be beneficial or harmful and can contribute to the initiation and acceleration of many diseases. The potential under-reporting of the harmful effects is addressed at the end of the chapter.

Kostoff RN and Lau CGY. 2017. Modified health effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation combined with other agents reported in the biomedical literature. In: Geddes CD. ed. Microwave Effects on DNA and Proteins.  Switzerland: Springer, pp. 97-158.  DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-50289-2.

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Ronald Neil Kostoff Bio

Ronald Neil Kostoff received a Ph.D. in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University in 1967. He has worked for Bell Laboratories, Department of Energy, Office of Naval Research, and MITRE Corp.  As ONR’s Director of Technical Assessment, he managed the selection, resource allocation, and review of Accelerated Research Initiatives, funding-enhanced multi-disciplinary programs that constituted about 40% of ONR’s budget.

He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles, served as Guest Editor of four journal Special Issues since 1994, obtained two text mining system patents, and is presently a Research Affiliate at Georgia Institute of Technology. He has published on numerous medical topics in the peer-reviewed literature, focusing initially on discovery of treatments for chronic diseases, and more recently on identifying and eliminating the myriad contributing factors to these diseases.

His 2015 book, Pervasive Causes of Disease, identified  numerous factors that contributed to myriad diseases, and questioned whether the non-communicable diseases that dominate the healthcare debate today can be reversed/prevented without eliminating these major pervasive factors.  Many of these major pervasive factors result from modern technology advances being implemented without adequate regulation and safety testing.

His most recent publication concerned the health effects of non-ionizing radiation in combination with other agents, and showed how exposure to environmental non-ionizing radiation (e.g., cell phones, cell towers, WiFi, etc) in this combined agent context can contribute to initiation and acceleration of many diseases.  This publication also addressed the disincentives imposed by industry and government to disseminate knowledge of these adverse effects of non-ionizing radiation widely.

He is listed in: (1) Who’s Who in America, 60th Edition (2006); (2) Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 9th Edition (2006); and (3) 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century, 4th Edition, (2006).