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Environmental Health Trust helped support raising awareness at Vancouver Island Conference alongside Parents for Safe Schools and parent volunteers. 

Cell Phones and Wireless and Safe School Technology

Message from Janis and Tammy of Parents For Safe Schools who coordinated the display

The display at the Vancouver Island Conference for the three school districts was a huge success thanks to Dr. Devra Davis and the volunteers who took time out of their busy Saturday to help.

“We were so surprised to be welcomed and thanked for presenting parents with information packages with safety tips on how to reduce exposure from the wireless technology.

Parents wanted to know why their School Boards were not informing them about the health risks associated with RF exposure in our schools.

They also wanted to know why the resolutions passed by parents and teachers unions have been ignored by the School Districts and how they were allowed to move forward without consulting with parents.

Parents are starting to ask questions!

Thanks again for an eventful day!

Janis and Tammy
Parents for Safe Schools
Victoria BC

Parents for Safe Schools is a Parent Health Group that can be found at

Environmental Health Trust supports efforts to promote awareness on safe technology around the world. EHT’s printable resources have been distributed worldwide by Doctors and parents raising awareness for safer technology.