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5G A Wave of Doubt

An Investigative Report on France Televisions


France Télévisions  Complément d’Investigation “5G A Wave of Doubt” was directed by investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci and broadcast on France 2 on Thursday, November 12, 2020. The invesigation features interviews Dr. Ronald Melnick, Dr. Martin Pall and Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski and more. Dr. Marc Arazi of Phonegate Association is featured describing how cell phones exceed radiation thresholds when tested against the body and how cell phones are being taken off the market in response.

The industry ties of members of  International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are also revealed.

How do I watch it?

Currently, the full  one hour replay is only available to watch in France, however  several excerpts are posted online for all viewers in all countries.

There are  four webpages on France Télévisions  to visit in order to see the documentary. The full video replay is only watchable in France. The 3 video excerpts can be watched by people in most countries. 

Links to the Videos


VIDEO. 5G: are we protected by the limit values ​​for exposure to electromagnetic waves? Who fixes them?
Below certain exposure limit values, electromagnetic waves are harmless, says the WHO. What are these limit values? Are they enough to protect us? By whom are they fixed? “Further investigation” compiled scientific studies and questioned certain risks of conflicts of interest ..

VIDEO. 5G: are electromagnetic waves the cause of cancer among Atos employees?
5G and the deployment of new relay antennas that will accompany it give rise to many fears. What can be the effects of electromagnetic waves on our health? Do they have a link with these brain cancers diagnosed in several employees of a company in Yvelines? Extract from “Further investigation” of November 12, 2020.

VIDEO. “Phonegate”: since 2016, a doctor has denounced a general overexposure to cell phone waves
Our mobile phones expose us to electromagnetic waves on a daily basis. Are we really protected? In theory, yes, because all manufacturers have the obligation to have their phone models approved. However, since 2016, a general practitioner denounces the certification process, recalls this excerpt from “Further investigation”.


France Télévisions: Are the electromagnetic waves generated by cell towers and smartphones dangerous for our health

Translated text from the France Télévisions Website

“Are the electromagnetic waves generated by cell towers and smartphones dangerous for our health? In the midst of a controversy, “Complément d’Investigation” takes a closer look at these invisible waves that are worrying part of the population.”

“What if the problem came from the exposure limits?

“In Sarthe, a breeder wonders if the mysterious death of his rabbits is not linked to the nearby relay antenna. In Ile-de-France, an occupational doctor is sounding the alarm on repeated brain cancer within a company bathed in electromagnetic waves. “We are below the exposure limits” proclaim the operators and manufacturers each time. But what if the problem was precisely these threshold limits? Are they protecting us enough?”

“Investigation into the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, in French International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), a discreet organization close to the telephone industry which has set the thresholds for most European countries … Twenty-five years ago!”

Numerous investigations reveal the hidden ties of industry into the science and policy of cell phone radiation. 

Investigate Europe

Investigate Europe’s Three Part Investigation on 5G details how ICNIRP is industry tied and plagued with conflicts of interest. The journalists identified a group of fourteen scientists who either helped create, or defend, the EMF exposure guidelines disseminated by ICNIRP, a non- governmental organization (NGO) based in Germany. ICNIRP’s self-selected members argue that the thousands of peer-reviewed studies that have found harmful biologic or health effects from chronic exposure to non-thermal levels of EMF are insufficient to warrant stronger safety guidelines.  “The ICNIRP Cartel: Who’s Who in the EMF Research World,” an interactive graphic developed by Investigate Europe (German ICNIRP Cartel). Dr. Moskowitz PDF of ICNIRP Cartel