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LinkNYC – Link5G Design Proposal presented by NYC Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications, CityBridge, and ZenFi.

4,000 Giant-Sized 5G Antennas Proposed for New York City – Opposition Grows

By Camilla Rees, WestView News, Dec 4, 2021

Recently, health advocates have learned that 4,000 enormous new ‘Jumbo’ 5G antennas, on giant monopoles, have been proposed for New York City streets in 25 different zip codes throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx and Staten Island, starting in more disadvantaged areas. Queens-based non-profit Wireless Broadband, Inc, as well as Manhattan Neighbors for Safer Telecommunications, and other local and national groups are protesting.

Despite growing awareness of biological and health risks from the radiation emitted by cell phones, wireless devices and wireless infrastructure, and of wireless technology inadequacies to close the ‘digital divide’ (as is claimed), or to meet the growing demand for broadband capacity, wireless antennas in New York City are still rapidly going up all around us.

The new Jumbo 5G antenna structures planned for City streets, each containing multiple antennas, on multiple tiers, are starting to raise big questions.

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