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Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s Health Symposium 2016 Pediatric Academic Societies


Where: Online Press Conference (link will be active starting May 3rd @ 10AM EST):

How: Text questions to (516) 423-6021 or 917-569-7470 email: or

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2016 Pediatric Societies Annual Conference
Cell Phones, Wireless and Children’s Health Session 4580
Baltimore Convention Center at 1 W Pratt St, Baltimore, MD 21201

The 2016 Pediatric Societies Annual Conference will be presenting a Symposium on Children, Cell Phones and Wireless. Over 8000 pediatricians, research scientists, health care providers and policy makers from around the world will attend the conference. The Pediatric Academic Societies consists of four sponsoring societies: The American Pediatric Society, the Society for Pediatric Research, the Academic Pediatric Association, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Wireless and Children: Why and How to Protect Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children from Avoidable Exposures to Wireless Transmitting Devices.
Session 4580 on May 3, 2016 from 12:15 PM – 2:15 PM


Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s Health

Overview on Wireless Exposure and Children’s Health by Devra Davis MPH, Ph.D Click Here to See the Handout by Devra Davis MPH, Ph.D Click here to see the slides from Dr. Devra Davis MPH, Ph.D Presentation

The Link between Autism and Electromagnetic Fields by Martha Herbert Ph.D., M.D. Click Here to See the Handout by Martha Herbert Ph.D., M.D. Click here to see the slides from Dr. Martha Herbert Ph.D., M.D. Presentation

Fetal Exposure to Cell Phones by Hugh Taylor M.D, Yale School of Medicine Click Here to See the Handout by Hugh Taylor M.D Click here to see the slides from Dr.Hugh Taylor M.D Presentation

The Big Disconnect: Protecting Childhood and Family Relationships in the Digital Age by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ph.D.
Click Here to See the Handout by Catherine Steiner-Adair Ph.D.

Protecting the Brains of the Future by Maya Shetreat-Klein M.D. Click Here to See the Handout by Maya Shetreat-Klein M.D.


Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s HealthHugh S Taylor MD, Yale School of Medicine

Dr. Taylor is the Anita O’Keeffe Young Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine and Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale-New Haven Hospital. He is also Professor of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental biology at Yale University. His clinical interests include IVF, infertility, endometriosis, implantation, menopause, uterine anomalies and DES exposure.

Dr. Taylor received his undergraduate training at Yale University and received his medical degree from the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale. His postdoctoral training included a fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility as well as a fellowship in Molecular Biology, both at Yale.

Dr. Taylor is a board certified specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and in Reproductive Endocrinology. His clinical research centers on implantation, endometriosis and menopause. His basic science research focuses on uterine development, the regulation of developmental gene expression by sex steroids, endocrine disruption, and on stem cells. He is a recipient of eight National Institutes of Health research grants and directs The Yale Center for Reproductive Biology. Dr. Taylor has published more than 200 articles and in leading medical journals. He is the Editor-In-Chief of Reproductive Sciences and Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Read his online biography at Yale Medicine here.

Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s HealthMartha  Herbert Ph.D., M.D.

Dr. Martha Herbert is an Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, a Pediatric Neurologist and Neuroscientist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, and an affiliate of the Harvard-MIT-MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, where she is director of the TRANSCEND Research Program (Treatment Research and Neuroscience Evaluation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders).

She earned her medical degree at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She trained in Pediatrics at Cornell University Medical Center and in Neurology and Child Neurology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, where she has remained. Prior to her medical training she obtained a doctoral degree at the University of California, Santa Cruz, studying evolution and development of learning processes in biology and culture in the History of Consciousness program, and then did postdoctoral work in the philosophy and history of science. This work has influenced her current orientation toward systems biology, brain connectivity and brain-body interrelationships.

In 2004 she received the first Cure Autism Now Innovator Award; she directs the Cure Autism Now Foundation Brain Development Initiative. She is the Co-Chair of the Environmental Health Advisory Board of the Autism Society of America. Her research program includes studying what makes some autistic brains unusually large, how the parts of the brain are connected and coordinated with each other, and how we can develop measure sensitive to changes in brain and body function that could result from treatment interventions. Learn more at her website.

Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s HealthCatherine Steiner-Adair Ph.D.

Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair is an internationally recognized clinical psychologist, school consultant and award winning author. Dr. Steiner-Adair’s long standing interest in cultural values that undermine children’s healthy development began in her early years as a doctoral student at Harvard, and while she served as a school psychologist at Phillips Academy Andover.

Her award-winning research led to the acclaimed middle school program “Full of Ourselves: A Wellness Program to Advance Girl Power, Health, and Leadership,” a social and emotional learning curriculum that strengthens girls’ self and body esteem and gives girls tools to resist the culture of body preoccupation and disordered eating. Full of Ourselves has been hailed as the first successful middle school-based primary prevention program of its kind. Developed at Harvard Medical School, this curriculum is currently adapted in the NYC Girl’s Project and Campaign, and is being translated for use in other countries.

Dr. Steiner-Adair has a private practice in Chestnut Hill, MA, where she works with children, adults, couples, and families. She is a Research Associate in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and an Associate Psychologist at McLean Hospital. See her website.

Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s HealthMaya Shetreat-Klein M.D.

Dr. Shetreat-Klein is a pediatric neurologist and is board certified in adult and child neurology as well as pediatrics, Dr. Maya has a medical degree from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed the University of Arizona’s Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, and now serves on their faculty.   She offers an integrative approach to neurological, behavioral and cognitive problems as well as chronic pediatric issues.

Dr. Shetreat-Klein lectures on children’s health, education and the importance of time in nature, botanical medicine, biodiversity, and the relationship between health and the environment.  While maintaining a private practice, Dr. Shetreat-Klein has testified on topics including fracking, safe products for children, and the impact of chemical exposures on children’s health. Read more about her work at her website.

Cell Phones, Wireless And Children’s HealthDevra Davis Ph.D.

Dr. Davis is President of the Environmental Health Trust, a nonprofit scientific and policy think tank. Currently Visiting Professor Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical Center, She was the founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council and Founding Director, Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. President Clinton appointed Dr. Davis to the newly established Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, and she is a former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services.

Dr. Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and a M.A. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a Ph.D. in science studies at the University of Chicago as a Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has also authored more than 200 publications in books and journals ranging from the Lancet and Journal of the American Medical Association to Scientific American and is currently convening an Expert Workshop for the Israeli Institute for Advanced Study.

We will be updating this site with annotated bibliographies for the presenters and more information so please check back April 15th.

Environmental Health Trust’s Educate Yourself Webpage:

The BabySafe Project: Doctors joining together to educate pregnant women on how to reduce their risk.

National Center for Health Research: Children and cell phones: is phone radiation risky for kids?


Time Magazine: Pediatricians Say Cell Phone Radiation Standards Need Another Look

The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Letter calling on the Federal Communications Commission to revise their cell phone and wireless safety limits 8/29/2013

American Academy of Pediatrics’ Letter to Representative  Dennis Kucinich In Support of H.R. 6358, the Cell Phone Right to Know Act.  12/12/2012

American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children Webpage Electromagnetic Fields: A Hazard to Your Health?

Textbook of Children’s Environmental Health, 2013 Edited by Philip J. Landrigan and Ruth A. Etzel, Chapter 41. Electromagnetic Fields by Kurt Straif, Robert Baan, and Neela Guha

Oxford Press link here. See the Chapter on Google Books here.

Where can I access more research studies on cell phones and wireless?

To read selected research studies please go to EHT’s webpage on health effects here.

EMF Portal: This searchable extensive literature database from Aachen University is updated with current research and systematically summarizes published scientific research on the effects of electromagnetic fields.
The Collaborative on Health and the Environment Working Group on Electromagnetic Fields

The Collaborative has a Working Group on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) of more than 250 health professionals, scientists, and concerned individuals. Additionally the CHE-EMF Working Group hosts teleconferences featuring leading researchers speaking to topics related to EMF science and health impacts and links to past calls are available at this link.

Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
Dr.  Joel Moskowitz, Director and Principal Investigator, Center for Family and Community Health at the  the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health maintains the excellent blog on current news and research on electromagnetic fields.

Bioinitiative 2012: An extensive report authored by international scientists with Research Abstracts from EMF research 1990-2014 and Color Charts of Exposure Levels that detail the published science showing biological effects at different exposure levels.

The Cell Phone Report: Cell Phones: Technology, Exposures, Health Effects by Environment and Human Health, Inc. with lead authors from Yale School of Medicine.

2008 Report:  National Academy of Sciences Report “Identification of Research Needs Relating to Adverse Health Effects of Wireless Communication.”

Please find a longer list of resources at EHT’s webpage on EMF resources here.


Letter to US Secretary of Education on Safe Technology in Schools

Collaborative For High Performance Schools   Low-EMF Criteria for Schools

Guidelines for Safer Use of Wireless Technology in Classrooms published for New York State Teachers Union. Read the Press Release on these Best Practices