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About Environmental Health Trust

Who We Are

Environmental Health Trust (EHT) is a think tank that promotes a healthier environment through research, education, and policy. We are the only nonprofit organization in the world that carries out cutting-edge research on environmental health hazards and also works directly with communities, health and education professionals, and policymakers to understand and mitigate these hazards.

Our Vision

A thriving world where technology is both state-of-the-art and safe for all.

Our Mission

To safeguard human health and the environment by empowering people with state-of-the-art information in order to prevent illness from environmental exposures.

Our Approach 


  • We work with world-class experts to conduct cutting-edge research that can help inform improved safety standards for sources of pollution, including devices that emit microwave radiation
  • We publish articles in peer-reviewed journals about controllable environmental health hazards



  • We develop science-based multimedia tools to educate individuals, families, health and education professionals, and communities about public health threats
  • We put forward solutions for the safer use of technology in homes, schools, and public spaces


  • We work with decision-makers at local, state, national, and international levels to develop and promote sound public health policies based on peer-reviewed research and input from experts
  • We research, document, and summarize worldwide policies to raise awareness of environmental risks among policymakers and the general public 


EHT is led by Dr. Devra Davis, PhD,. MPH, is an award-winning, an internationally renowned scientist who also was the founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. Currently, EHT focuses on r raising awareness of the established impacts of cell phone use on public health and performing cutting-edge research on exposure to cell phones and other wireless radiation.

Past multi-media projects include: local and national campaigns to ban smoking and asbestos, exploring what factors lie behind puzzlingly high rates of fibroid tumors, breast cancer, and endometriosis in young African American women, and building environmental wellness programs in Wyoming and Pennsylvania to address the environmental impacts of energy development, the built environment and radon.

Environmental Health Trust was created with the goal of promoting health and preventing disease one person, one community, and one nation at a time. Capitalizing on growing public interest in Devra Davis’ popular books, When Smoke Ran Like Water, a National Book Award Finalist,  The Secret History of the War on Cancer, and Disconnectthe truth about cellphone radiation, what industry has done to hide it and how to protect your family, EHT is creating transmedia platforms that provide clear, science-based information to prevent environmentally based disease and promote health. We work with businesses, universities, and schools at all levels, to create entertaining and informative materials on cellphone risks and ways to reduce them.

Our Accomplishments

The Environmental Health Trust has been at the forefront of the environmental health issue of cell phone radiation for years. We are proud of our accomplishments and are working every day to ensure the public and decision-makers have the latest science and information. 



It is our responsibility as a society to enable all children to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. We educate policymakers about children’s unique vulnerability to cell phone radiation and the impacts of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on pregnancy, including recent research finding on increases in asthma, obesity, and miscarriage. We support parents with practical tools so they can set up safe technology in their homes and advocate for meaningful policy change in their communities. See Healthy Tech at Home Project and EHT Factsheets. 



In 2019 we sued the U.S. federal government for failing to properly review its laws on wireless radiation exposure. We won. Now that the US FCC was mandated to respond to the court decision, we continue to advocate for a proper review of the scientific evidence because the FCC has still not responded to the court! We have also released reports on the US Food and Drug Administration’s failure to protect.  We regularly testify in person and with written comments to U.S. Agencies such as the EPA, FDA and also internationally. For example, we submitted to the French ANSES review on 5G, and commented on various proposed laws internationally. 



EHT scientists regularly publish research in peer review journals. We organize expert technical conferences and proceedings at top universities and institutions. EHT president Dr. Devra Davis has been invited to present to the American Academy of Pediatrics, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, George Washington University and Melbourne University



EHT experts have testified in U.S. Senate and House hearings on cell phone health effects. EHT co-founder Dr. Ronald B. Heberman, then Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, issued the first US recommendations by a medical institution for staff to reduce cell phone radiation. He sent a memo to about 3,000 faculty and staff saying there was sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory about cell phone radiation. EHT has worked toward long-lasting meaningful policy changes for over a decade. We provided critical expertise that supported the Berkeley Cell Phone Ordinance, the Maryland State Advice, the San Francisco Recommendations, Massachusetts EMF Legislation and the California Department of Health Cell Phone Recommendations



EHT scientists are among the leading scientists in the world who work on cell phone radiation and electromagnetic fields. EHT submitted extensive scientific comments on the US National Toxicology Program study and presented oral comments in person. EHT regularly provides expert policy briefings to officials in the USA and internationally. Some examples include Massachusetts legislators, North Carolina Governor’s office, and the Government of Mexico. We also write letters to legislators and submit comments for the record on the issue of electromagnetic radiation and health. 



EHT maintains the largest database of international local/state/federal policy on wireless and cell phone regulations. For example, France and Belgium have banned the sale of cell phones made for young children, and Cyprus and Croatia have public service videos about how to reduce cell phone radiation. We also have compiled a list of medical organization recommendations regarding cell phones and EMFs. We maintain a list of fine print warnings on cell phones and Wi-Fi devices. These resources are critical in promoting protective public health policy.  



Our posters, infographics and materials are used worldwide to educate and inspire. We have created factsheets about 5G, cell phone radiation, wireless and how to use safer technology. EHT has developed colorful postcards for parents about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendations, for young adults who sleep with their phones, for men regarding phones in pockets and for women to make the bra a no-phone zone


Our YouTube playlists feature 30-second public service announcements and a music video about cell phone radiation—all resources sponsored by EHT. We translate PSAs from other countries that are implementing awareness campaigns (such as Cyprus and French Polynesia). 



Dr. Devra Davis and EHT scientists are key sources for journalists and investigative reporters working on environmental health issues. We also regularly publish opinion pieces in media and newspapers in the USA and internationally. EHT scientists are featured in the Wall Street Journal, CNN, NPR, CBC, Fox 5, San Francisco Chronicle, the Today Show and more.  

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