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Wireless technology in schools is a critical environmental health issue. 

A growing amount of scientific research links this wireless radiation to serious health effects on health—such as memory and sleep problems, headaches, cancer, and damage to brain development. 

Schools are a unique environment because there are so many wireless devices in each room.  All wireless devices (including cell phones, cordless landline phones, any item with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capability, etc.) generate and emit invisible electromagnetic radiation called radiofrequency (RFR). Children will spend several hours a day in classrooms with wireless exposures. 

In 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer first classified cell phone and other types of wireless radiation as a “Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen” based on research studies that found long-term users of cell phones had higher rates of specific types of tumors (glioblastoma and acoustic neuroma) on the side of the head where they held the phone.  A Yale study funded by the American Cancer Society found an association between thyroid cancer and cell phone use in people with certain genetic susceptibilities. Now several independant scientists state that the scientofic evidence has increases and wireless is a human carcinogen. 

Wireless radiation penetrates deeper into children’s brains due to their thinner skulls and unique physiology. Children’s brains and immune systems are still developing, therefore children are more vulnerable to the effects. 

Numerous governments such as France, Cyprus, and Israel are banning and/or restricting wireless in classrooms to reduce children’s radiation exposure.

In the United States, the federal government has not updated its wireless radiation limits since 1996. However several health authorities such as the American Academy of Pediatrics do recommend parents limit childrens cell phone and wireless radiation exposures. 

Oregon passed a bill, SB283, which directs the Oregon Health Authority to review peer-reviewed, independently funded scientific studies on the health effects of wireless radiation, especially in schools. 


What You Need To Know




Resources For Action

 Additional Resources

Briefing Documents

Safe Schools 2012: Medical and scientific statements on Wi-Fi in Schools

Wi-Fi in Canadian Schools: A Health and Safety Issue: Read a detailed document of peer-reviewed scientific studies (50) documenting potentially harmful biological effects of Wi-Fi frequency (2.4-2.45 GHz) at or below Health Canada’s Safety Code. (Note: Canada, Australia and US RF Limits are similar)

Environmental Health Trust 2015 Briefing on Wi-Fi in Schools 

Child Safe School Briefing Documents Grassroots Environmental