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A new blog entitled “What the FCC Must Do to Comply with New NEPA Rules” published on PEER by Erica Rosenberg, former FCC attorney and NEPA expert details how the FCC must promulgate rules that comport with the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) rules and implement them properly so that its environmental review process is more inclusive and more robust.

Agencies have until July 2025 to make their procedures comport with the new rules. Although CEQ had signed off on the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) original 1986 NEPA rules and amendments, its procedures failed to meet many of the requirements of either the 1978 CEQ rules or the Trumps 2020 rules and to meet current requirements, the FCC will have to significantly revamp its rules in several ways.

Rosenberg’s article is published at Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Read “What the FCC Must Do to Comply with New NEPA Rules”.