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The Case for Precaution in the Use of Cell Phones

Advice from University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute Was Based on Advice from an International Expert Panel

The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute (UPCI)  Advice on Cell Phones was the basis for the first draft of cell phone guidance by the California Department of Public Health.  The  first page (all the way at the bottom of the 144 pages of drafts) repeats and references the ten recommendations from UPCI.  Dr. Herberman, then Director ofUniversity of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute had issued a Memorandum to Staff on Important Precautionary Advice Regarding Cell Phone Use recommending staff reduce exposures in 2008. The 2008 UPCI Memo states:

“Recently I have become aware of the growing body of literature linking long-term cell phone use to possible adverse health effects including cancer. Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use.

An international expert panel of pathologists, oncologists and public health specialists recently declared that electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones should be considered a potential human health risk (see The Case for Precaution in Cell Phone Use, attached). To date, a number of countries including France, Germany and India have issued recommendations that exposure to electromagnetic fields should be limited. In addition, Torontos Department of Public Health is advising teenagers and young children to limit their use of cell phones, to avoid potential health risks.

More definitive data that cover the health effects from prolonged cell phone use have been compiled by the World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer. However, publication has been delayed for two years. In anticipation of release of the WHO report, the attached prudent and simple precautions, intended to promote precautionary efforts to reduce exposures to cell phone electromagnetic radiation, have been reviewed by UPCI experts in neuro-oncology, epidemiology, neurosurgery and the Center for Environmental Oncology.

For more in-depth information on this subject, please see the complete article (pdf file, 100kb)” 

Please read the “complete article” that Dr. Herberman refers to as basis for these recommendations below:

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”The-Case-for-Precaution-in-Cell-Phone-Use”]