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EHT is saddened to learn of the passing of Arthur Firstenberg, a friend and a partner to all who work to defend our planet and our health from the impacts of wireless technology. A lifelong passionate advocate for thoughtful wireless and cell tower legislation on both the local and national levels, Arthur founded the Cellular Phone Task Force as a global clearinghouse for information about wireless technology’s injurious effects. For three decades he fought to establish limits on the spread of human-made radiation, and to arm local municipalities and individuals with information they can use to face large corporations empowered by legislative imbalance. 

“The world has lost a pioneer who leaves an invaluable legacy,” said EHT Founder and President Emerita, Devra Davis. “By continuing to expand our work on the impacts on wildlife, trees, and other non-human life, EHT will keep Arthur’s work alive. We welcome collaborations with others who can help us evaluate the potential role of EMF for the persisting and unexplained declines of honeybees, trees, birds, and marine mammals.” 

We mourn Arthur’s passing alongside his family and all who worked with him over the years. We are grateful for his legacy in pursuit of policies and legislation that consider the health of all living things.   

Photo courtesy of Chelsea Green Publishing.