Palo Alto PTA Social and Emotional Learning Committee
The goal of the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Committee is to help promote social and emotional competencies within our students. This is a significant and valuable role for each school site and one that provides collaborative vision to ensure that PAUSD schools are centered on the “Whole child “development and growth. This effort is accomplished by:
- Working with school staff and parents to help and support SEL knowledge among the students and foster opportunities to practice and apply SEL skills at school and in the community.
- Creating awareness & information sharing about SEL with the parent community, providing relevant parent education events and raising specific issues / concerns
- Supporting SEL efforts of the School District
“Safer Use of Technology” Factsheet
PTA Council of the Palo Alto Unified School District
The PTA Council of the Palo Alto Unified School District in California has released a fact sheet on “Safe Use of Technology” which has been distributed to all the schools in the Palo Alto Unified School District through the PTA Council’s Social Emotional Learning Committee. Link to PDF
In addition California for Safe Tech also released an infographic on safer use of technology for students. Link to PDF
The factsheets recommends minimizing health effects of screens by reducing wireless radiation, reducing blue light, minimizing eye strain and promoting better posture.
- Click here to see the webpage of the PTA Council Palo Alto Unified School District that shares the factsheet.
- Click here to go directly to the factsheet on the PTA Council Palo Alto Unified School District
- Click here to download PDF.
Palo Alto Safer Use of TechnologyThe webpage states:
Safer Use of Technology For Children during Distance Learning
In today’s world of online learning, it is very important for us to be mindful of how much and how safely we use digital technologies, in order to safeguard our children’s health and wellbeing.INTERNET CONNECTIVITY
1. Using Hardwired Connections: For faster, reliable and secure internet connectivity, it is preferable to use hardwired connections (cords /ethernet LAN cables / adapters) for personal computers, printers, audio speakers, headphones, microphones, smartphones, mice, keyboards, etc.
2. Maintaining Distance From Router: If you are using a Wireless network/Wifi router/Hotspot, sit as far away from the router and the transmitting device as possible. Distance is the key to reducing detrimental health effects, including problems with sleep, attention span, memory, immunity, etc.
More Tips:
Turn off device when not in use.
Hotspots and Wifi routers should be turned off when not in use, especially during the night. Disable all applicable wireless antennas including Cellular, Wifi, Mobile hotspot, Siri, Bluetooth and Location on devices when not in use.
To reduce radiation exposure, devices should never be placed on the lap, near the child while sleeping, or held in their hands while using.
Place laptops in such a way that keeps the child’s head as far away from the laptop screens (where the antennas are) as practicable.3. Reducing Eye Strain: Turn off blue light in the computer settings. Also, wherever possible, consider using screens designed to reduce eye strain – e.g., bigger external monitor, LCD screens (flicker free / without pulse-width modulation) etc.
4. Proper posture: Proper seating ergonomics needs to be kept in mind, as use of devices creates poor posture and computer-induced musculoskeletal disorders.
“We applaud the PTA of the Palo Alto Unified School District for sharing such important information with the school community,” stated Theodora Scarato Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust. “Parents, teachers and staff are addressing this issue nationwide, now that numerous doctors and medical organizations recommend reducing wireless exposures, especially for children and pregnant women. Research has found wireless radiation causes cancer, memory damage and damage to reproduction.”
Medical Recommendations
The American Academy of Pediatrics has written the federal government calling for better regulations in regards to wireless radiation. They recommend that families reduce wireless radiation exposure stating “avoid carrying your phone against the body like in a pocket, sock, or bra. Cell phone manufacturers can’t guarantee that the amount of radiation you’re absorbing will be at a safe level ” and “If you plan to watch a movie on your device, download it first, then switch to airplane mode while you watch in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.”
Actions by Parents and Teachers
- The United Educators of San Francisco hosted educational webinars and passed a Resolution on Safer Technology that calls for the California Department of Health advisory to reduce cell phone radiation to be disseminated.
- The New Jersey Education Association’s article “Minimize health risks from electronic devices” details on how to reduce physical health risks from technology in the classroom.
- The New York State Teachers Union passed a Resolution “Hazards of Wireless Radiation Emission,” hosted a webinar “Risks of wireless technologies and protecting children and staff in schools” issued a press release on the “Best Practices For Schools.”
- The Castle Hill High School P&C Committee created “Mobile Phone Safety Tips & Cyberbullying Information” which includes recommendations to reduce cell phone radiation exposure.
- The Canadian Teacher Federation issued a briefing document, “The Use of Wi-Fi in Schools,” recommending an education program to educate the public.
- The Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association, Greater Victoria Teachers’ Association
- California PTA , Hillsmere Elementary School PTA , Montgomery County PTA Safe Tech Committee have all taken action.
- Onteora School District, and Ashland School District in Massachusetts, have “Best Practices” to turn off the Wi-Fi when not in use and keep devices away from the body—posted in every classroom.
- Several school districts (Petaluma, Montgomery County) have policies that tablets and notebook computers should be on tables (not laps)—prompted by parents raising the health issue of Wi-Fi in school.
- The Los Angeles school district prohibits school cell towers and has set a wireless exposure limit that is 10,000 times lower than FCC limits, recognising the existence of biological effects.
- The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Association has released an educational curriculum for students, elementary through high school.
Government Recommendations
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed Resolution 1815 “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment,” which calls on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields “particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours…and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by school children on school premises.”
In 2019, Oregon passed SB283, directing the Oregon Health Authority to review scientific studies of health effects of wireless and the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Advisory Council issued first ever state recommendations for reducing wireless exposure in schools.
Cyprus, France, French Polynesia and Israel have banned wireless in kindergarten and restrict wireless in elementary schools. Read MORE.