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2008 Congressional Hearing: Health Effects of Cell Phone Use

Witnesses testified about research into cellular telephone use and its potential impact on human health, as well as the potential side effects and consequences of cell phone use. They focused on studies that had examined potential links between cell phones and cancer, and about warnings issued by some groups on cell phone safety. Recent epidemiological studies involving humans suggest that heavy cell phone users of 10 years or more have developed brain tumors on the same side of their heads as where they used to hold their mobile phones. 

Witnesses are David Carpenter, Ronald B. Herberman M.D.,Robert Hoover, Darrell Issa, Julius P. Knapp II,Ellie Marks, Danny “Dan” Lee Burton, Dennis Kucinich, Diane Watson

2009 Senate Hearing on Cell Phone Radiation

 Health Effects of Cell Phone Use Witnesses testified about research into cellular telephone use and its potential impact on human health, as well as the potential side effects and consequences of cell phone use. They focused on studies that had examined potential links between cell phones and cancer, and about warnings issued by some groups on cell phone safety. Witnesses are John Bucher, Devra L. Davis, Linda Erdreich, Thomas “Tom” Harkin, Dariusz Leszczynski, Olga Naidenko, Mark Pryor, Siegal Sadetzki, Arlen Specter

In 2009, Environmental Health Trust President Dr. Devra Davis proposed to a U.S.Senate hearing a small monthly fee of 2 cents on all wireless devices, their manufacturers, and network providers,  to fund a 4-part program: 1) establish major interdisciplinary training programs in bio electromagnetics in schools of medicine, Public Health, engineering and other related fields; 2) fund independent research on health and environmental effects of wireless devices; 3) create monitoring programs to identify adverse impacts; and 4) promote innovations in premarket safety testing, public education, and public policy. These programs shall be independent of conflicts of interests.


March 22, 2001 Cell Phone Safety Report Press Conference 

Senator Joe Lieberman [D] Connecticut and Edward J. Markey U.S. Representative [D] Massachusetts spoke to reporters about a Government Accounting Office 2001 study of the safety of cell phones and the potential impacts of increased exposure to radio frequency emissions. Because the report did not contain definitive conclusions, they called for greater consumer education and further study of the potential problems. Following their remarks they answered questions from reporters.


2011: C-Span: Cell Phone Radiation Research Communicators with NIH Nora Volkow

Dr. Nora Volklow talked about tests conducted by National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists and the Energy Department’s Brookhaven National Laboratory. The test results show that brain chemistry becomes altered after 50 minutes of cell phone usage. Also featuring Kenneth Foster and Devra Davis.

2011: C-Span: Cell Phone Radiation Research Communicators with Nora Volkow


Book Discussion on Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age

Martin Schram and George Carlo talked about their book Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards In the Wireless Age about Carlos work heading up the WTO Cell Phone Research study that found problems “suppressed” by the Wireless Industry.

CSPAN: Book Discussion on Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age