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New Study finds that Radiofrequency Radiation from Cellphones and Computers Increases  Breast Cancer Risk

A 2020 case control study found that women who used phones close to their bodies head up to five times more breast cancer than others

Most women and girls are unaware that cell phones emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation and that hundreds of doctors and scientists advise that this type of radiation is not healthy.  Most people are unaware that credible scientific evidence is mounting linking cancer as well as brain and reproductive impacts to cell phone radiation. 

Numerous scientists, including senior advisors to the World Health Organization, have concluded that if cell phone radiation were evaluated at this time, it would be considered a probable, if not fully confirmed human carcinogen (See Carlberg and Hardell, 2017; Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (European Parliament) & Belpoggi, 2021; Miller et al., 2018; Melnick, 2019; Portier, 2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of case-control studies found evidence that linked cellular phone use to increased tumor risk (See Choi et al., 2020). 

All cell phones have fine print instructions hidden deep in online manuals that instruct users to avoid direct contact.  In fact phones could violate U.S. government safety limits for human exposure to RF radiation -up to 11 times when placed against the body. 

Cell phones should not be in the bra. For example, the Google Pixel 5a (5G) safety information states, “Keep the phone away from your body to meet the distance requirement.” EHT has a webpage with numerous examples of the Fine Print Warnings for the top phone models and other wireless devices. Manufacturers actually specify that the phone should be kept at least 5 mm to 1.5 cm distance from the body.


The California Department of Health released an advisory on how to reduce cell phone radiation stating, “Carry your cell phone in a backpack, briefcase, or purse; NOT in a pocket, bra or belt holster.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the North Carolina Public Health Department both state “Avoid carrying your phone against the body like in a pocket, sock, or bra. Cell phone manufacturers cannot guarantee that the amount of radiation you are absorbing will be at a safe level.” 

Published case reports document young women developing unusual breast cancers located directly underneath the antennas of where their phones were stored, directly where they placed their cell phones in their bra.

Research has linked long-term cell phone use to brain cancer and other health impacts such as increased harmful free radicals, genetic damage,   reproductive  impactslearning and memory deficits, behavioral problems, neurological disorders, and headaches.



Daily Mail article: Mother who kept her phone in her bra every day for 10 YEARS is convinced it caused her terminal breast cancer

Doctors: Women who store phone in bras at risk for breast cancer

San Francisco Globe: Breast Cancer and Cell Phones: Early Detection To Survival

Keep that cell phone out of your bra: Open forum On Your Health

Mirror UK: This mum believes carrying her mobile phone in her bra for 15 years could have given her breast cancer

Published Research on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risks: