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Kiss Your Child and Fight for Them

A Mother’s Letter To The FCC on Wireless And Children

The following letter was written by a mom who tragically lost her one-year-old to leukemia.

A mother sent this letter to FCC Commissioner Rosenworcel who asked people to writer her about their internet troubles. You can write the FCC also and email your letter to

Reprinted From

Dear Entrusted Officials,

Raise your hand if your child has died before you. Hug your child if he or she is healthy.

I write today to share that the choices you make about the environment we call home are far reaching, and that our precious homes must be protected.

RF radiation has never been proven safe for children. Ever. And the FCC wants to break down local barriers to deploy more of it?

RF radiation has been implicated by 400+ peer-reviewed studies as causing biological harms ranging from dizziness, sleeplessness and nausea to DNA damage, a precursor to cancer.

My daughter died before her second birthday of leukemia. How does this happen? As part of a university study, I learned that time in front of a WiFi-enabled computer while pregnant is a variable.

My daughter’s death leaves my heart in the smallest of pieces. What was the happiest time in my life turned into tragedy the likes of which I couldn’t even imagine. Watching my husband carry her down the service elevator at the hospital to the funeral director’s car, parked back by the dumpster, for a last goodbye, is an image that will haunt me forever. Driving to the funeral parlor for several nights in a row to be with her dead body, while families were enjoying bedtime stories and playing games, is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. A child’s death will wreck you.

Please urge further studies of this invisible and very pervasive radiation. Please institute setback laws that protect our children — in our homes and in their schools.

You may think you are on the precipice of a technological heyday. Instead, you may be paving the way to a long, steady, massive health catastrophe.

Follow other countries who revere their young; they have stripped WiFi radiation from schools and libraries, and are going back to wired connections.

I beg you to find the middle ground. I beg you to conduct tests applicable to children and use aggregated exposure models.

For my deceased daughter, for me, for my husband and her brother, think twice before irradiating millions of people because a bunch of telecom titans have sold you a promise that will harm the innocent.

Even if it kills just one, believe me, that’s one too many.

Reprinted From

RESOURCES ON THE FCC A website about the health, privacy, ethical and environmental cost of the internet of things.

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