Millions of wireless antennas transmitting wireless radiation into our homes in the name of “5G.”
The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) estimates that hundreds of thousands of 5G-enabled wireless antennas will be installed along public rights-of-way these wireless antennas will be built in our rights-of-way, directly in front of our homes.
Communities are being told that it is necessary to build “small cell” towers in neighborhoods in order to offer 5G, a new technology that will connect the Internet of Things (IoT). At every level of government, new 5g policies aim to streamline (meaning force) the installation of these 5G “small cell” antennas in public rights-of-way.
European Parliament requested a research report “Health Impact of 5G” released in July 2021 concluding that commonly used RFR frequencies (450 to 6000 MHz) are probably carcinogenic for humans and clearly affect male fertility with possible adverse effects on the development of embryos, fetuses and newborns. 5G will increase ambient levels of wireless radiofrequency radiation. Peer-reviewed research has demonstrated a myriad of adverse effects from wireless radiofrequency radiation including increased brain cancer, DNA damage, oxidative stress, immune dysfunction, altered brain development, damaged reproduction, sleep changes, hyperactivity, and memory damage. (RESEARCH HERE)
Thousands of doctors and scientists are calling to halt 5G because of the increase in radiofrequency radiation- a new kind of environmental pollution. (DOCTORS & SCIENTISTS HERE, Read and download a letter from Dr. Davis on the health and environmental effects of 5G)
Everything You Need To Know About 5G Radiation Health Risks

U.S. cities and entire countries are seeking to halt 5G deployments due to radiation health and safety concerns
Over 600 cities in Italy have passed resolutions to halt 5G until safety research has been completed. In the United States, Hawaii County passed a resolution to halt 5G as well as Farragut Tennessee, and Easton Connecticut. Entire countries like France, Switzerland, and Nigeria are having a national conversation on the safety of 5G and they are launching major investigations to research the issue of safety. (Details HERE)
In the United States, cities such as Petaluma, Mill Valley, Monterey in California, and Doylestown in Pennsylvania have voted and passed policies to halt 5G or restrict the rollout into neighborhoods.
Los Altos California voted to prohibit the installation of small cells on public utility easements in residential neighborhoods and established a 500-foot setback from a “small cell” at schools. After the Mayor declared that 5G small cells would be an “aesthetic disaster” Palm Beach and other coastal communities got entirely carved out of legislation streamlining the 5G antennas.
5G “small cell” antennas are anything but “small”
“Small cells” is an industry term. It means a shorter cell tower close to homes and schools. Each “facility” will have transmitting wireless antennas and often ugly bulky equipment. A 2020 paper analyzed the radio frequency radiation environment that would result if a mmWave-based 5G network was fully deployed in Austin, Texas and found ambient radiation levels to be significantly increased.
Examples of how and why “small cells” are not small:
- They increase electromagnetic radiation near homes
- They have refrigerator-sized (and larger) equipment cabinets
- Property values drop after a cell tower is built near homes
- Taller and wider poles are needed for the antennas
5G does NOT provide faster internet connectivity
Despite the industry message that 5G will be faster, in reality 5G is turning out to be slower. Testing finds 5G in the field is actually nearly the same speed or slower than 4G. It is not working out so well. Read “At this point, 5G is a bad joke” published in Computerworld. “Unless you live or work right next to an mmWave transceiver, you’re simply not going to see those promised speeds or anything close to them.”
5G antennas will transmit radiation differently than previous generations of wireless technology
5G will use new “beam-forming” antenna designs that create multiple streams of signal from each fixture. Each installation can have over a thousand antennas that are transmitting simultaneously.
5G antennas are energy hogs
Engineers say 5G is “an energy hog.” The millions of new short “small” cell towers and over 64 billion IoT devices are expected by 2025. Industry reports repeatedly state that energy efficiency goals will not be fully met, and that energy use from wireless devices and networks will grow exponentially, ever increasing our carbon footprint. Environmental experts warn that the IOT is an unsustainable technology and will contribute to climate change. Read more HERE.

Swiss Re, one of the world’s largest re-insurance companies, classified 5G as “high impact” liability risk in 2019
It is standard practice for insurance coverage to exclude health damages from wireless and electromagnetic radiation. The Insurance authority Swiss Re released a white paper classifying 5G as a “high” emerging risk cautioning that “potential claims for health impairments may come with a long latency.” If insurance companies won’t take the risk why should we?
Legal experts are starting to request that localities get insurance to cover health damages and before rolling out 5G in neighborhoods.

Small cell installations are not the size of pizza boxes.
Each so-called “small” cell installation has antennas on the top and electronics cabinets at the bottom. The electronics are housed in metal boxes – called “street furniture” by industry to make it sound warm and cozy. These cabinets can be larger than a refrigerator, so large people could fit into them. In addition, there will be various radio units, a smart meter, and potentially unseemly wires.
Most neighborhood light poles are not strong enough to hold the 5G equipment so they will be replaced by much taller wider poles with antennas and 6 ft buzzing boxes. This is called “hardening” the poles, but basically, it means the poles will be much wider and thicker metal. In Montgomery County as an example, the slim 14 ft light poles will be replaced with hefty 24 ft towers with 300-pound antennas and 6 ft buzzing boxes.
Setbacks for Cell Towers and Cell Antennas
- Shelburne, MA – 3,000 feet for schools and 1,500 feet of homes; no new wireless antennas in residential zones
- Copake, NY – 1,500 feet from homes, schools, churches, or other buildings containing dwelling units
- Sallisaw, OK – no commercial wireless telecommunications towers within 1,500 of homes.
- Calabasas, CA – no “Tier 2” wireless telecommunications facilities within 1,000 feet of homes and schools
- Bedford, NH – 750 feet from nearest residentially-zoned property
- Scarsdale, NY – No wireless facilities within 500 feet from homes, schools, parks, and houses of worship
- Walnut City, California: 1,500 feet
- Stockbridge, Massachusetts: 1,000 feet
- San Diego County California 1,000 feet (small cells)
- Palo Alto, California: School Board supports the City of Palo Alto immediately establishing local municipal zoning setback rules of 1500 feet or more from an operating wireless transmitter and a school site
- Ithaca New York– 250 feet or more from any residence, school, or day-care facility
- Davis, CA – no freestanding wireless facilities within 500 feet of residential zone and schools
- Westlake Village, CA – no facilities within 500 feet of homes
- Randolph, MA – no wireless antennas within 500 feet of homes and businesses
- Petaluma, CA – no “small cell” antennas within 500 feet of homes
- Suisin City, CA – no “small cell” antennas within 500 feet of homes
- Contra Costa County, CA – no new high-visibility facilities or towers within 300 feet of residential zones
- Town of North Hempstead, NY – no wireless antennas within 200 feet of homes, parks, environmentally-sensitive areas, historic areas, or scenic areas; no wireless antennas within 350 feet of schools
Encinitas, CA – No antennas within residential zone, within Ecological Resource/Open Space/Park Zone, or very high fire hazard severity zone, 500 feet from residential dwelling unit, daycare facility or school and 250 feet of any federal, state, or historic landmark
5G will add an extra layer — not replace — our current wireless technology.
5G will utilize current 3G and 4G wireless frequencies already in use and also add even more radiation. Higher frequency — submillimeter and millimeter waves — will be used in 5G in order to transmit data at superfast speeds.

5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Airplane Radar and Weather Prediction
In November 2020 a white paper by the RTCA, a private-public aviation partnership that advises the Federal Aviation Administration, warns that 5G technologies could pose a “major risk…of harmful interference” to radar on business jets and other civilian aircraft.
If 5G telecommunications systems are permitted to use that frequency band, said the report, “the risk is widespread and has the potential for broad impacts to aviation operations in the US, including the possibility of catastrophic failures leading to multiple fatalities, in the absence of appropriate mitigations.” Read more at 5G Networks Could Pose a ‘Major Risk’ to Your Airplane’s Radar
In 2019, US Senators sent a letter urging the FCC to adopt an emission limit recommended by NOAA and NASA citing an internal Navy report that stated the 5G frequencies would probably degrade Naval weather and ocean models, resulting in increased risk in Safety of Flight and Safety of Navigation, and degraded Battlespace Awareness for tactical / operational advantage. In November 2019, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper urged the FCC to restrict the 5G spectrum citing impacts to “national security, civil service, and the economic benefit of the nation” due to the potential for widespread disruption to GPS services.

Multiple government reports caution that 5G beam-forming radiation is not easy to measure.
Imagine increasing an environmental exposure without knowing how to measure it. The European Parliament report “5G Deployment State of Play in Europe, USA, and Asia” reviews how “Significant concern is emerging over the possible impact on health and safety arising from potentially much higher exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation arising from 5G. Increased exposure may result not only from the use of much higher frequencies in 5G but also from the potential for the aggregation of different signals, their dynamic nature, and the complex interference effects that may result, especially in dense urban areas.” “The problem is that currently, it is not possible to accurately simulate or measure 5G emissions in the real world.”
Statement by the CEO of the U.S. Conference of Mayors
“The U.S. Conference of Mayors strongly opposes recent proposals by the Federal Communications Commission to grant communications service providers subsidized access to local public property and to dictate how local governments manage their own local rights-of-ways and public property. This unprecedented federal intrusion into local (and state) government property rights will have substantial adverse impacts on cities and their taxpayers, including reduced funding for essential local government services, as well as an increased risk of right-of-way and other public safety hazards.”

Scientists worldwide are calling to halt 5G.
Scientists from all over the world have issued a declaration called the 5G Appealcalling for a moratorium on the increase of 5G cell antennas citing human health effects and impacts on wildlife.
“We recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry…RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”
In addition to the 5G Appeal, scientific groups are issuing appeals and writing letters warning of the health and environmental impacts of 5G.

Environmental authorities are cautioning on environmental impacts.
The European Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental, and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) issued a statement identifying emerging issues ( including 5G, E-cigarette, and chronic diseases.) They prioritized 5G impact as “high.”
The SCHEER statement “Potential effects on wildlife of increases in electromagnetic radiation“ states,
“On the horizon, a new generation of even shorter high-frequency 5G wavelengths is being proposed to power the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT promises us convenient and easy lifestyles with a massive 5G interconnected telecommunications network. However, the expansion of broadband with shorter wavelength radio frequency radiation highlights the concern that health and safety issues remain unknown. Controversy continues with regard to harm from current 2G, 3G, and 4G wireless technologies. 5G technologies are far less studied for human or environmental effects” (Russell, 2018).” and concludes, “5G networks will soon be rolled out for mobile phone and smart device users. How exposure to electromagnetic fields could affect humans remains a controversial area, and studies have not yielded clear evidence of the impact on mammals, birds, or insects. The lack of clear evidence to inform the development of exposure guidelines to 5G technology leaves open the possibility of unintended biological consequences.”

Trees will be cut down for 5G “small cells.”
Numerous news reports document that trees are being felled, heavily trimmed and roots are damaged from the 5G rollout. Technology is being prioritized over the environment. 5G means millions of new short cell towers PLUS more macro towers- the tall cell towers to tie together the new networks.
A cell tower application in New Canaan, CT required over 100 trees to be cut down if approved. (See environmental assessment portion of application for cell tower here (page 2). For all application materials for this cell tower, click here.)
“Approximately 103 trees will need to be removed in order to construct the compound and the new access drive. Thirty-nine (39) of the 103 trees proposed for removal are 14” or greater dbh. The total area of disturbance will be approximately 40,000 s.f. The remaining land of the lessor would remain unchanged by the construction and operation of the facility.”
In Washington DC, the Sierra Club and numerous tree groups testified to City Councilmembers in opposition to the 5G rollout due to the impact to trees. Who will manage the tree trimming? Who will ensure their protection? There has been no environmental impact study to determine the impact to trees from the trimming and digging.
In 2020, forty residents and demonstrators gathered at Saint-Cadou in the town of Sizun ( Finistère ) to block the installation of a 5G antenna belonging to the Telecom company Free, reports Le Télégramme as loggers were proceeding to fell about twenty trees in area where the antennas were to be located. Protesters climbed the trees. Images here.
In 2021, news reports document how a federal judge denied a request from residents for a temporary restraining order to halt the cutting down of trees to make room for a 95-foot cell tower in New York. Court rulings worldwide have conformed that internet connections are more valued than trees. Precedent setting cases have ruled that property owners can be forced to trim or remove trees that are blocking their neighbours’ broadband reception. In 2018 Justice Fitzgerald (New Zealand) ruled that “undue interference with a wifi signal” caused by trees could constitute an “undue interference with the reasonable use and enjoyment” of someone’s land.
News Reports
- New Zealand Herald’s “Property owner can be forced to cut trees if they interfere with a neighbour’s Wi-Fi, judge says.”
- 5G TREE THREAT New 5G phone system could face reception problems from trees with too many LEAVES
- Yahoo News:Protesters block the installation of a 5G antenna for FreeL
- Le Telegramme: 5 G antenna: demonstrators protect trees and prevent the work

Cellular radiation negatively impacts birds and bees
Published research finds the frequencies impact wildlife. For example, studies have found that the radiation can alter bird navigation and disturb honeybee colonies. Research also shows impacts on trees and plants.
Environmental Groups Worldwide are Opposed to 5G
Numerous environmental groups have written letters and appeals on the issue of the unfettered energy consumption and the harm to trees, bees and wildlife. Greenpeace France released a position on 5G as creating “digital pollution” that will increase carbon emissions, increase e-waste, strip the earth of natural resources and contribute to human tragedies on a global scale. A major environmental group in Spain Ecologists in Action issued a position on 5G calling for precaution and ” in view of the deployment of 5G and the transformations that will accompany it, it is inevitable to ask ourselves: what kind of world do we want to live in: a hyper-digitalized, robotized, monitored, controlled and manipulated society, or a society where human relations, care, the common good and democratic debates on key issues for our future take precedence? In other words, what will we put at the center: life or the machine?”
A Letter from Environmental Working Group To California State Officials states “there is already adequate existing sound science for government to proceed with caution on the roll-out of the new technology. In particular, the results of the $25 million National Toxicology Program study (2016) that showed tumors in rats caused by a typical amount of heavy cell phone use are to be reckoned with.”
The Green Party of California, the Sierra Clubs of California, Washington DC, and Montgomery County Maryland and Montgomery County Maryland 350 have taken positions for protecting trees/environment and addressing the energy consumption of 5G networks.
- Green Party of California
- California Sierra Club Letter
- Washington DC Sierra Club Testimony
- Montgomery County Maryland Sierra Club Letter
- Montgomery County Maryland 350 Letter on Small Cell Legislation
- Ecologists in Action on 5G
- Letter on small cell streamlining bill from Greenlining Institute
- Greenpeace France Position on 5G
- Letter from Environmental Working Group
Government officials are asking for proof of safety.
Officials have written to the FCC asking for proof of safety and received “inadequate” responses.
In December of 2019, U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and U.S. Representative Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18) sent a letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Commissioner Brendan Carr seeking answers regarding potential health risks posed by new 5G wireless technology. They have been joined by members of Congress from around the country.

5G Heats Up Base Stations
The circuitry used to generate RF signals uses a lot of power and gets very hot. Base stations need a lot of cooling equipment. “In base stations, which are tightly packed with racks of equipment, thermal buildup can cause all sorts of problems. It can have an impact on signal integrity, and it can reduce the lifespan of all components, states Semiengineering. Michael Foegelle, director of technology development at ETS-Lindgren is quoted iwith his response in Semiengineering explaing that “When you have a frequency with a range that’s not as far as a cell tower, you have to add much more density to the network to get the same amount of connectivity…“When you design these, you have to assume they’ll be outside, and you have to design in a way to dissipate all that. Since you’re outside and don’t want to risk putting in active cooling, you might have to go fix a lot, that means a lot of ambient cooling.”
The article goes on to detail the challenges of 5G and showcases how much engineers have NOT worked out when it comes to 5G and also the potential need for gallium arsenide (GaAs) to adress the issue which would bring a toxic material into the equipment. Fact: 5G is not ready.

Cumulative daily radiation exposure to wireless radiation is associated with serious health effects.
5G and 4G cell towers near our homes means constant exposure day and night. You cannot turn a cell tower off.
The public is unaware that peer-reviewed, published science indicates that exposures to wireless radiation can cause cancer, alter brain development, and damage sperm. Cell tower radiation is also associated with headaches, hormone changes, memory problems, and sleep problems.
A review paper on 5G published in Environmental Research concludes that the current scientific evidence supports the conclusion that mobile phone and wireless radiofrequency radiation (RFR) is cancer-causing. Most people are also unaware that wireless technology was never tested for long-term safety decades ago when the technology was first introduced. Children are more vulnerable to this radiation and that the accumulated scientific evidence shows harmful effects.
Letter by Lennart Hardell, M.D. & Colleagues
“There is a substantial body of evidence that this technology is harmful to humans and the environment. The 5G millimeter wave is known to heat the eyes, skin, and testes… Of particular concern are the most vulnerable among us — the unborn, children, the infirm, the elderly, and the disabled. It is also expected that populations of bees and birds will drastically decline.”
Over 250 Scientists
“Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being.”
Read the International EMF Scientific Appeal now signed by more than 250 scientists.

Antennas near homes decrease property values
Studies show property values drop up to 20% on homes near cell towers. Would you buy a home with a mini cell tower in the yard?
Read about decreased property value from cell towers near homes.

Experts state that 5G small cell wireless streaming bills do not make financial sense.
The California Department of Finance rejected California’s 5G small cell wireless infrastructure bill S. 649 stating that “Finance opposes this bill… this bill goes too far by usurping city and county zoning authority for infrastructure development, and it potentially imposes reimbursable, state-mandated costs on cities and counties.”
Microwave antennas in front yards present several worker and public safety issues.
Unions have already filed comments that workers were injured, unaware they were working near transmitting antennas. How will HVAC workers, window washers, and tree cutters be protected? The heavy large equipment cabinets mounted on poles along our sidewalks also present new hazards. Cars run into utility poles, often, what then?
Read more on cell tower health and safety issues.
Municipal Fiber Without 5G Antennas
Worldwide, many regions are investing in wired fiber optic connections which are safer, faster, more reliable, provide greater capacity, and are more cyber-secure. Read“Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks,” by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy.
However telecommunications companies are hijacking the fiber and using it as an opportunity to erect 5G or 4G antennas on top. We recommend policies that halt companies from using fiber for their wireless networks. Thus pushing for municipally-owned fiber could lead to more cell sites until there is solid federal legislation that allows communities to refuse small cell attachments without running afoul of the 1996 federal Telecommunications Act. Indeed much work needs to be done!

Wireless companies warn investors of risks but neglect to inform consumers and neighbors living near towers.
Crown Castle (a company building small cell infrastructure throughout the USA) has a statement in their 2016 10-K Annual Report that says:
“If radio frequency emissions from wireless handsets or equipment on our wireless infrastructure are demonstrated to cause negative health effects, potential future claims could adversely affect our operations, costs, or revenues… We currently do not maintain any significant insurance with respect to these matters.”

Many countries have more protective cell tower radiation limits compared to the USA.
Countries such as China, India, Poland, Russia, Italy, and Switzerland have far more protective and stricter radiation limits than do we in the United States. According to industry reports, these countries’ more protective radiation limits will not allow the full deployment of 5G because the increased 5G radiation would exceed these governments allowable levels of radiation. The Report “The impact of RF-EMF exposure limits stricter than the ICNIRP or IEEE guidelines on 4G and 5G mobile network deployment” reviews how 5G deployment is “constrained” by these countries’ limits. In addition, these stricter exposure limits are also considered problematic for the full rollout of 4G LTE. as detailed in a GSMA report.
No one is monitoring radiation exposures from these cell installations and many cell towers are in violation of the radiation limits.
Although several countries have regular monitoring of wireless radiation limits, the US does not. The Wall Street Journal did an investigative report in 2014 examining over 5,000 cell antennas sites and found that 1 in 10 sites violated the rules during safety audits for carriers and local municipalities “underscoring a safety lapse,” yet the FCC has issued just two citations to cell carriers since 1996 because “the FCC says it lacks resources to monitor each antenna.” A CBS Atlanta investigation also found radiation excesses up to 400 percent of the limit close up to the antennas on rooftop posing serious health risks especially to any worker coming on the roof.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is one of many medical organizations calling to reduce children’s exposure to wireless radiation.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), our largest organization of children’s doctors, has repeatedly written to the US government that current regulations on cellular radiation are outdated and non-protective for children and pregnant women. They recommend parents learn how to reduce children’s cell phone radiation exposure.
The American Academy of Pediatrics webpage on Cell Towers states:
“An Egyptian study confirmed concerns that living nearby mobile phone base stations increased the risk of developing:
- Headaches
- Memory problems
- Dizziness
- Depression
- Sleep problems”
Firefighters fought hard to oppose 5G small cells in California and got their stations exempt from forced installations.
The International Association of Firefighters has officially opposed cell towers on their stations since 2004 after a study found neurological damage in firefighters with antennas on their station.
In 2017, when 5G “small cells were coming to California via a 5G streamlining bill (SB649), firefighter organizations came out in strong opposition to the bill and cited the many peer-reviewed studies. They requested that 5G towers not be installed on firehouses. They were successful and SB649 was amended to exempt their stations from the deployment due to their health concerns. Read more about firefighters here.
5G’s higher frequencies are absorbed into the skin.
Physicists found that the higher millimeter frequencies intended for 5G use are preferentially absorbed into the sweat duct at much higher rates than other organ tissues. Read two published studies “The Modeling of the Absorbance of the Sub-THz Radiation by Human Skin.” The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not? Paul Ben-Ishai, PhD Lecture.
Cell tower radiation is linked to damage in human blood.
A published study compared people living close and far from cell antennas and found people living closer to cellular antennas had changes in blood that predicts cancer development (Zothansiama et al, 2017) Research on cell towers and cell tower radiation has found a myriad of health and environmental issues. Safety is not assured.
- Please see a list of action steps to halt 5G HERE .
- Please take a look at the 5G Crisis website for a toolkit on 5G.
- Want published research to share? Go to our webpage that details the findings of several important studies HERE. We recommend you send this page to all elected officials and attach it to youur testimony to get it on the official record.
- If you simply want a list of citations, then go to this page.
Link to Protective City Ordinances that Attempt to Control the 5G Rollout and protect the public.
Link to International Action to Halt 5G
Whatis5g.info on the human and environmental impact of 5G
Physicians for Safe Technology
My Street My Choice: Critical information and links to help residents fight 5G Small Cells.
When Cell Phone Towers Cosplay as Trees: In 66 photographs, Annette LeMay Burke explores the giant fake trees hosting crow’s nests of cellular transmitters.
- Link to 5G Frequencies Are Absorbed Into the Skin
- Link to review study that states radiofrequency is a human carcinogen.
- Link to 5G Frequencies Are Used As Weapons
- Link to Landmark US National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study Finds “Clear Evidence of Cancer” and DNA Damage
- Link to Cell Tower Radiation is Linked To Damage in Human Blood
- Link to Published Scientific Review on 5G Finds Adverse Effects
- Link to Cellular Radiation Negatively Impacts Birds
- Link to Cellular Radiation Negatively Impacts Bees
- Link to Overview of Cell Tower Health Effects
- Link to Research on Cell Towers and Health Effects
- Link to Bees, Butterflies, and Wildlife
- Link to Impact of Cell Towers on Property Values
- Link to American Academy of Pediatrics on Cell Towers
- Link to Letters from Doctors on Small Cell 5G in Neighborhoods
- Link to Firefighters Oppose Cell Towers on Fire Stations
- Link to Insurance White Papers on Impact of Wireless on Health
- Link to Cell Towers at Schools
- Link to Cell Tower Companies Warn Shareholders of Risk but not People Living Near Their Towers or Using Their Products
- Link to Insurance Company Exclude Electromagnetic Fields as a Standard
- Link to Study Found Damage in Human Blood
- Link to FCC Limits are Non-Protective
- Link to 5G Technology
- Link to Cell Tower Worker Safety Issues
- Link to Research on 5G and Cell Tower Radiation
- Link to A 5G Wireless Future: Will it give us a smart nation or contribute to an unhealthy one?” Santa Clara Medical Association Bulletin, Cindy Russell MD, 2017
- Link to Letters by Scientists in Opposition To 5G Research on Cell Tower Radiation, 2017
- Link to Biological Effects from Exposure to Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted by Cell Tower Base Stations and Other Antenna Arrays, Levitt and Lai, 2010
- Link to Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations, Waldmann-Selsam et al., 2016
- Link to Department of Interior Letter on the Impact of Cell Towers on Migratory Birds, Willie R. Taylor Director, Office of Environmental Policy and Compliance, 2014
- Link to Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as an emerging threat to wildlife orientation, Balmori, 2015
- Link to Briefing Memorandum On The Impacts from Thermal and Non-thermal Non-ionizing Radiation to Birds and Other Wildlife, Manville, 2016
- Link to Database of Worldwide International Policy To Reduce EMF
- Link to Youtube Scientific Videos on 5G
More Resources from Physicians for Safe Technology
- League of California Cities City Attorneys’ Spring Conference. May 2018. BBK Law. https://www.bbklaw.com/BBK/media/Library/pdf/KARISH-2018-Cal-League-Spring-Attorney-Conference-Paper-vFINAL-c2.pdf
- Cell Tower Zoning and Placement: Navigating Recent FCC Changes 2015. Legal Rights. Cell Tower Zoning: Navigating Recent FCC Changes, National Business Institute Teleconference
- 10 Key Issues for California Cities. Omar Masry. Medium. 10 Key Issues for California Cities and Counties on the Challenges of Small Cells
- Cell Tower Landlord’s Checklist: Know Your Rights Amid Mobile Carrier Mega-Mergers. BBK Law.
Cell Tower Landlord’s Checklist - League of Cities Legal Perspective on Telecommunications Law Wireless Antenna Update: Distributed Antenna Systems State and Federal Mandatory Collocation; New Regulatory and Legal Challenges
- Wireless in the Rights of Way and on Private Property. BBK.Law June 2017 Presentation. Wireless in the Rights of Public Way
- Local Authority Over Wireless Facilities in Public Rights-of-Way. April 2018.
BBK Legal Letter April 24, 2018 - Cell Towers-Wireless Convenience or Environmental Hazard? (2000) Blake Levitt. She notes that Diane Feinstein did attempt to revise the 1996 Telecommunications Act.
- Biological effects from exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell tower base stations and other antenna arrays. (2010) Page 374- Biological Effects at Low intensity) Blake Levitt, Henry Lai. Environmental Reviews, 2010, 18(NA): 369-395. http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/full/10.1139/A10-018#.WYUlOHeZNo4
“This is a unique situation in the history of the human kind when the whole human population will be exposed to man-made devices emitting non-ionizing radiation that was insufficiently tested before deployment. What is and what will be the responsibility of the scientists, decision-makers and industry leaders who permit deployment of insufficiently tested technology that will affect us all? The answer is simple – no responsibility… because if any health problems will show up in the future, these will most likely take tens of years of time to manifest and, by then the persons that currently enable deployment of insufficiently tested radiation-emitting 5G technology will be retired or the proverbial ‘six feet under.’”
-Dr. Darius Leszczynski, July 18th, 2018 in Assumption of Safety for 5G by Government Agencies, No Science.