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Bioelectromagnetic expert Professor James C. Lin has published a new article “Follow-Up Research on NTP’s Clear Evidence on RF Causing Malignant Tumors in Rats” in IEEE Microwave Magazine on how the federal government has terminated National Institutes of Health animal research on cell phone radiation despite its $30 million laboratory experiments showing “clear evidence” that lifelong exposure to low-level RF radiation caused cancers in rats. The National Toxicology Program research on cell phone radiation health effects had been recommended to the U.S. FDA in 1999 in order to study long term effects from chronic exposure to low levels of cell phone radio-frequency (RF) radiation. 

James C. Lin is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago, former editor in chief Bioelectromagnetics and a former member of the International Commission on Non ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). He states:

“unfortunately, whether the U.S. civilian government halts doing the important research on mechanistic causes for cancer from low-level chronic exposure to RF radiation or not, nearly 100% of all Americans are being cast as subjects in a massive health experiment without a formal protocol. Furthermore, billions of people worldwide, including the young and older adults, are being exposed to unnecessary levels of human-made wireless RF radiation.” 

Lin points out that the NTP findings of clear evidence that RF radiation can cause cancer was reaffirmed by the Ramazzini Institute study from Italy. Despite the NTP announcing a new genotoxicology project designed to examine RF radiation in 2019, the new project never progressed beyond the feasibility studies. 

“This effectively marks the end of the nonmilitary governmental project in the United States to study the biological effects of cellphone or RF radiation.” 

“The obvious question is, what happened? Should we all forget about NTP’s findings of clear scientific evidence that lifelong exposure to low-level RF radiation causes cancer from a federal government health agency that prides itself in telling the nation that its product is “science you can depend on for decisions that matter?” 

Lin points out how military research is continuing: 

“It is interesting to recall that the recently announced termination of NTP’s RF research program on how RF radiation causes cancer practically halts most, if not all, biological research of RF radiation supported by the civilian U.S. government. In contrast, the military arm of the U.S. government through its Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has initiated a new research program on the roles RF radiation may have in biological systems [11]. DARPA’s historical and contemporary contributions to scientific and technological advancements are widely known. Thus, it poses the question, what does DARPA know about RF radiation on biological systems?”


The complete article can be found at

James Lin has recently published several other relevant articles. Notably, his article “Incongruities in recently revised radiofrequency exposure guidelines and standards” published in Environmental Research states that some of the current safety limits, such as those of ICNIRP, the IEEE  and the FCC  are “flawed and not applicable to long-term exposure at low levels”, “based on obsolete information”  “irrelevant” , and “debatable, and absent of scientific justification from the standpoint of safety and public health protection.” 

Read more from James C. Lin:

“Follow-Up Research on NTP’s Clear Evidence on RF Causing Malignant Tumors in Rats” IEEE, Microwave Magazine, Vol. 25/6, pp 16-18, June 2024 DOI:10.1109/MMM.2024.3378608

A Paradigm Shift? IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 24/12, pp 16-19, December 2023 doi:10.1109/MMM.2023.3313788

“RF Health Safety Limits and Recommendations,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 24/6, pp 18-22(77), June 2023 doi: 10.1109/MMM.2023.3255659

Incongruities in recently revised radiofrequency exposure guidelines and standards” Environmental Research, 222, April 2023 DOI:10.1016/j.envres.2023.115369

 “Carcinogenesis from chronic exposure to radio-frequency radiation.” Front. Public Health, 10: 1042478, Oct 2022 doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1042478

“Health Safety Guidelines and 5G Wireless Radiation,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 23/1, pp 10-13, Jan 2022 doi: 10.1109/MMM.2021.3117307

“Science, Politics, and Groupthink.” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 22/5, pp 24-26, May 2021 doi:10.1109/MMM.2021.3056975

“FCC Announces Its Existing RF Exposure Limits Apply to 5G.” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 21/4, pp 15-17, April2020 doi: 10.1109/MMM.2019.2963754