“Show me the scientific evidence of 5G safety” states C4ST CEO, Frank Clegg, former Microsoft Canada President, challenging a Rogers Communications President Dean Provost who repeatedly stated that 5G and wireless radiation was “safe”. In his video, Clegg counters that many peer reviewed scientific studies show the contrary. Watch Frank Cleggs video below.
On March 19, 2021, Dean Prevost, President of Connected Homes and Rogers for Business, Rogers Communications, stated that radiation from 5G systems, cell towers and antennas is safe.
Not once, but FOUR times.
In a short video, Frank Clegg, Former President of Microsoft Canada, challenges Mr. Prevost to show us the proof—actual scientific evidence in the peer-reviewed literature—that the radiation emitted by 5G and cell tower antennas is safe. In the news release announcing the video, Frank also asks for Rogers to return the $150m subsidy of taxpayer money if the evidence is not provided.
Prevost was addressing a virtual media conference on March 19, announcing that Rogers is the successful winning bidder in the Eastern Ontario Regional Network project. The plan calls for antennas to be added to the current 300 towers and installations of 350 new cell towers. Mr. Prevost also discussed “the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of more Canadians” who can be impacted if this type of project is expanded to other parts of Canada.
Please watch, like and share this important video. It is posted on Facebook
- in English at https://www.facebook.com/C4ST.
ORG/ - and with French subtitles at www.facebook.com/groups/
Appel5GAppeal .
The direct links to the videos on YouTube are:
- English – https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=LqPJxyeDqYo - French – https://youtu.be/4TH6UgdgGYc
Thank you
Frank Clegg
Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST)
April 28, 2021 Press Release
Former President of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg, Challenges a President of Rogers Communications to return the $150m subsidy of taxpayer money unless he can prove his statement is true
that cell tower radiation is “very, very safe.”
For Immediate Release
Oakville, ON – In a short video released today, Frank Clegg, former President of Microsoft Canada, challenges a President of Rogers Communications to prove his claim that the radiation from the antennas added to the current 300 towers and additional 350 new cell towers planned for Eastern Ontario is “very, very safe.”
“Given the misleading statements by a Rogers Executive, Canadians are falsely led to believe they are safe from the harmful effects of radiation from wireless devices,” Clegg states. “The public needs to see the evidence of safety the Rogers President says exists, or Rogers should lose the massive government subsidy it is receiving to build the towers.”
Rogers is receiving approximately $150 million in government assistance to install potentially thousands of network cell antennas in Eastern Ontario, between Peterborough and Cornwall. When asked about human safety of 5G, Dean Prevost, President of Connected Homes and Rogers for Business, Rogers Communications, stated, “there is an enormous amount of research that surrounds it, quite conclusively stating that it is safe.”
In the video, Clegg asks Prevost to show the evidence. Clegg asserts, “It’s a grossly misleading statement and the public should know the truth. There are, in fact, hundreds of peer-reviewed independent studies showing harm from radiowaves. There are public appeals from doctors and scientists around the globe to pause the 5G rollout. Fibre optic and wired connections are superior solutions.”
Prevost was addressing a virtual media conference on March 19, announcing that Rogers is the successful winning bidder in the Eastern Ontario Regional Network project.
Noting that EORN encompasses a population from Peterborough, through Kingston to Cornwall and as far north as Pembroke, Clegg said, “I am concerned about the residents in the EORN corridor and also, as Prevost says, ‘the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of more Canadians’ who can be impacted if this type of project is expanded to other parts of Canada.”
“The $150 million in taxpayer money is being spent to subsidize Rogers’ business plan, so Rogers should be honest and transparent and warn about additional health problems that are predicted in tandem with any rollout of additional cell towers,” says Clegg.
I want to believe Mr. Prevost, that you have not been adequately briefed and are simply ignorant of what scientists have been reporting for decades about harm from cell antenna emissions and exposures,” said Clegg. “Taxpayers will be paying twice. Once to subsidize the
Rogers business plan, and again to pay for the predicted health care costs when people start reacting to the over-exposure to microwave radiation from the new Rogers 5G system.”
Clegg also commented on the audacity of such a false statement by a Rogers’ executive. “To my knowledge, it’s the first time a telecom executive in Canada has publicly claimed that microwave radiation is safe. They usually defer to the outdated federal safety guidelines designed in the 1970s for microwave ovens and claim cell tower emissions are safer than that. There is zero evidence in the peer-reviewed science that long-term exposure to wireless 5G is safe.” Clegg went on to comment, “5G also uses 2G, 3G, 4G and LTE frequencies. We know from scientific evidence in hundreds of high-quality peer-reviewed studies that these can cause harm, including cancers.”
Clegg sent a formal letter to Mr. Prevost on April 13 and has received no reply. Today’s video is in response to the silence from Prevost and from Rogers Communications about the false information delivered by this Rogers’ President in a public meeting.
In the video, Prevost states, “The residents of Eastern Ontario can sleep at night knowing this is a very, very safe thing we do.”
“This claim is false in so many ways,” says Clegg, “because it is shown in the annals of science that sleep, ironically, is one of the most common things disrupted by wireless radiation.”
The recent passing in the Ontario legislature of Bill 257, Supporting Broadband and Infrastructure Expansion Act, 2021, suggests that in addition to public money being spent to help the telecommunications companies expand their customer base, the Province appears to be assisting the industry by stripping what remaining limited powers local municipalities have to object to the placement of cell antennas near homes, schools and places of work.
Along with a growing number of scientists and medical professionals worldwide, Clegg’s group supports fibre optic infrastructure to the premises instead of wireless 5G. Fibre optic connections are much faster, more secure, climate friendly, and do not emit radiation that is harmful to people and the environment.
See the video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqPJxyeDqYo
To consult some of the scientific evidence supporting our concerns: https://bit.ly/3vAo3cf
The Suspend 5G Canada Appeal can be found at: https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/
The EORN media conference can be found at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=knsXoWMY5aE For more information contact media@c4st.org