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Environmental Working Group Action Fund Press Release September 26, 2017

URGENT: Gov. Brown could sign a wireless technology bill against local government opposition

ACT NOW: Urge the Governor to veto this irresponsible bill!

If signed into law, SB 649 will strip cities and counties of the right to protect their residents from an unproven wireless technology. It lets telecommunication companies build so-called small cell wireless networks near our homes, schools and hospitals, even if local governments don’t give permission.These networks are for a new technology called 5G, whose health effects haven’t yet been studied.The California legislature just passed a bill that would let big phone companies invade your neighborhood.

Small cells work like cellphone towers, but must be placed closer together and closer to the ground. Cellphone companies want to put them on utility poles, street lights and traffic lights. This means they’ll be much closer to our homes, schools and hospitals than traditional cellphone towers.

The health effects of cellphone radiation have been debated for years, with more and more studies raising real concerns.

TAKE ACTION: Urge Gov. Brown to veto this irresponsible bill. We want to know the health effects of new wireless technology before it’s in our communities!

In 2011 the World Health Organization declared cellphone radiation a possible carcinogen. And in 2016, a study by the National Toxicology Program found that rats exposed to radio frequency radiation in the 2G range developed brain and heart tumors more often. We must make sure this new technology is safe before it’s deployed.

Cellphone companies want to install these new cells for 5G technology while we’re still discovering potential health impacts of 2G and 4G technology. It’s clear we need more studies to determine the potential health impacts before we let these new cells into our communities.

When big corporations want to install unproven new technologies on our streets, near our homes and schools, we deserve to have a say. SB 649 strips communities of the right to address the visual and health impacts, and to make decisions about this new technology.

Join us and urge Gov. Brown to protect the rights of local communities and veto SB 649. We have the right to make our own decisions about wireless technology.

Thanks for standing with us, Joel .

– EWG Action Fund

Letter from Environmental Working Group To California State Offficials July 26, 2017

Read the EWG post on SB649. “Cellphone Safety: Industry Pushes to Strip Local Control of High-Speed Networks” by  Olga Naidenko Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor for Children’s Environmental Health.



Call Governor Brown: ​(916) 445-2841 now!

Or Email!  Send your email to Gov. Brown click here

Or Write a Letter (quickly, please)

Governor Jerry Brown

State Capitol, Suite 1173

Sacramento, CA 95814

And please:

Send a copy Att: Tom Dyer (same address)

Or  Fax: (916) 558-3160

Tell the Governor to protect the public health by vetoing SB 649.


Declaration to European Commission by 180 Scientists Calling For A Moratorium on 5G Cell Antennas, September 13, 2017

Letter from Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD Letter in Opposition to SB 649, August 18, 2017

Letter from Dr. Martin Pall in Opposition to SB 649, August 07, 2017

Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Chair Aguiar-Curry on SB 649, June 28, 2017

Letter from Dr. Devra Davis to Governor Jerry Brown on SB 649, September 17, 2017

Letter from Dr. Paul Ben Ishai in Opposition to SB 649, September 08, 2017

Letter from the Alliance of Nurses for Health Environments

Letter from Environmental Working Group June 26, 2017

Letter from Environmental Working Group July 26, 2017

Article from Dr. Cindy Russell on Impacts of 5G Technology, January 2017

Santa Clara Bulletin, pg. 20-23, “A 5G Wireless Future: Will It Give Us a Smart Nation or Contribute to An Unhealthy One?” by Cindy Russell, January 2017