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Evaluation of the Genotoxicity of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Male and Female Rats and Mice Following Subchronic Exposure

Stephanie L. Smith-Roe1, Michael E. Wyde1, Matthew D. Stout1, John W. Winters2, Cheryl A. Hobbs2, Kim G. Shepard2, Amanda S. Green2,

Grace E. Kissling1, Raymond R. Tice1, John R. Bucher1, Kristine L. Witt1

This document was released after a FOIA request by Environmental Health Trust. It is a poster presentation from NIEHS US National Toxicology Program scientists at the  annual meeting of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society in September  2017. Scientists from the National Toxicology Program presented their data on the genotoxicity of  cell phone radiation in rats and mice in this scientific poster.

The abstract of the NIEHS presentation says:

“DNA damage was significantly increased in the frontal cortex of male mice (both modulations), peripheral leukocytes of female mice (CDMA only), and hippocampus of male rats (CDMA only)…These results suggest that exposure to RFR has the potential to induce measurable DNA damage under certain exposure conditions.”

The poster  EHT has posted here was presented at the meeting.


Note: the analysis and exact verbiage from the 2017 presentation is not present in the  National Toxicology Program Draft Technical reports on the cell phone radiation study  released just a few months later.

The newly released 2018 draft technical reports by the National Toxicology Program states:

“Although the markedly higher levels of DNA damage observed in some rats were suggestive of an exposure- related effect, the high degree of interanimal variation within a treatment group resulted in nonsignificant statistical tests in most instances (for example, male rat cerebellum exposed to CDMA and female rat peripheral blood exposed to CDMA).”

Click here to download the PDF of this poster that EHT has though a FOIA request. 

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