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Knowing what the wireless radiation levels in your home are, and knowing where such emissions are coming from, will enable you to make adjustments to reduce you and your family’s exposure.

Libraries across the U.S. have EMF meters available for members of the public to borrow. Request that your local library carry an EMF meter. The RF Meter AM-11 Acoustimeter and the Safe and Sound Pro II are great first meters for libraries to offer!

If money is an issue, our organization has a limited grant program to purchase EMF meters for libraries. Please contact us at and put in the email subject line, “EMF meters For Library Grant.” In the body of the email, please put the name and address of the library that you think should carry an EMF meter, any relevant details regarding funding needs/concerns, and your phone number. We will contact you with more information. We want all U.S. libraries to have meters to loan out! 

U.S. libraries that already have an EMF meter available for loan:

EHT is thankful to partner with Safe Living Technologies, Inc. (SLT), a Canada-based company that provides vetted products that mitigate and measure EMF radiation. STL provides consumer-grade meters that EHT staff uses regularly to measure EMF emissions.

If you want to purchase a meter for yourself, use discount code ‘EHT-05’ at checkout to get 5% off of any order you place with Safe Living Technologies, Inc.! Your savings will be donated to support our non-profit efforts. Browse the Safe Living Technologies, Inc. website site here: